How many F1 drivers have won the triple crown in motorsports? Exploring winners of the prestigious feat

F1 Grand Prix of Monaco
Circuit de Monaco, Monte-Carlo (Photo by Eric Alonso/Getty Images)

One of the most prestigious achievements in the world of F1 and motorsports is the elusive Triple Crown. Winning the Triple Crown requires a driver to triumph in three iconic races: the Monaco Grand Prix in Formula 1, the Indianapolis 500 in IndyCar, and the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

To date, only one driver has secured the Triple Crown: legendary British F1 driver, Graham Hill. Hill, who was active during the 1960s and 1970s, established himself as one of the greatest drivers of his era. He conquered the pinnacle of motorsports by winning the F1 World Championship on two occasions, in 1962 and 1968.

Graham Hill at the Brands Hatch circuit in Fawkham, British Grand Prix 1964 (Photo by Getty Images)
Graham Hill at the Brands Hatch circuit in Fawkham, British Grand Prix 1964 (Photo by Getty Images)

Hill's pursuit of the Triple Crown began in 1966 when he triumphed at the Monaco Grand Prix for the first time. The Monaco Grand Prix is known for its narrow, treacherous streets and demanding nature, making it one of the most challenging circuits in F1. Hill showcased his exceptional skills, navigating the tight corners and unpredictable conditions to secure victory.

In 1966, Hill made his way to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for the iconic Indianapolis 500. Despite his limited experience in oval racing, Hill adapted swiftly to the unique demands of the high-speed oval. He displayed tremendous composure and speed, clinching the checkered flag and etching his name into the history books.

With victories at the F1 Monaco Grand Prix and Indianapolis under his belt, Hill turned his attention to the final leg of the Triple Crown: the 24 Hours of Le Mans. This endurance race held in France tests the drivers' skill, stamina, and teamwork. In 1972, Hill, together with Henri Pescarolo, triumphed at Le Mans, completing the Triple Crown and cementing his legacy as one of the all-time greats of motorsports.

Who Else in F1 Came Close to Winning the Triple Crown?

The Triple Crown remained elusive for several decades until a modern-day F1 champion set his sights on the feat. Fernando Alonso, the Spanish racing legend known for his tenacity and versatility, embarked on a quest to emulate Graham Hill's achievement.

Fernando Alonso at the press conference after the Miami Grand Prix 2023 (Photo by Jared C. Tilton/Getty Images)
Fernando Alonso at the press conference after the Miami Grand Prix 2023 (Photo by Jared C. Tilton/Getty Images)

Alonso's journey began with victories at the F1 Monaco Grand Prix, clinching the iconic race in 2006 and 2007. He then set his sights on the Indianapolis 500, venturing into the realm of IndyCar racing. In 2017, Alonso qualified fifth in his debut at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, impressing fans and competitors alike. Unfortunately, mechanical issues prevented him from completing the race, dashing his hopes of winning the Triple Crown that year.

Alonso won the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 2018 and 2019. Only the Indy 500 was left to be conquered. The F1 legend made further attempts at the Indy 500, but luck was not on his side. Despite showcasing his skills and qualifying well, Alonso fell short of victory. Nevertheless, Alonso's pursuit of the Triple Crown demonstrated his determination and passion for motorsports.

The Triple Crown remains a rare accomplishment, with Graham Hill's name standing as the sole member of this exclusive club. However, the pursuit of the Triple Crown continues to captivate fans, and drivers like Fernando Alonso may yet have another opportunity to join Hill in this prestigious group, though the idea now appears far-fetched.

Who do you think might be capable to finally win the Triple Crown once again? Someone from the current Formula 1 roster? Or a driver from a different motorsport all together? Let us know in the comments.

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