5 Easy Kettlebell Exercises for Beginners

Kettlebell exercises for beginners are a great way to change up your workout. (Image via Unsplash/ Taco Fleur)
Kettlebell exercises for beginners are a great way to change your workout. (Image via Unsplash/Taco Fleur)

Looking for some fabulous kettlebell exercises for beginners? You are in the right place.

Kettlebells are here to stay, and they are effective. That's because kettlebell workouts require the usage of several joints, which work all the major muscles. Compared to isolation moves with a kettlebell, which target only one muscle, compound moves burn calories more quickly.

The kettlebell is a very powerful functional training tool because of its distinctive shape and weight. Thanks to its design, you can enjoy dynamic motions that might not be possible or secure with other equipments, like dumbbells or barbells.

Best Kettlebell Exercises for Beginners

It's important to concentrate on fundamental kettlebell exercises for beginners or advanced workouts with small weights. Additionally, it's important to concentrate on using proper form and technique. Go slowly, and take breaks when necessary.

Here’s a list of five kettlebell exercises for beginners:

1) Kettlebell Push Press

This is one of the best kettlebell exercises for beginners, It engages not only the arms but also the triceps and lower body in addition to the core.


  • Keep your feet shoulder-width apart as you stand.
  • Hold the kettlebell with your right arm bent and at shoulder height.
  • Place your knees slightly bent, and perform a straightforward half squat.
  • To return to the starting posture, stand up, and thrust the kettlebell quickly over your head.
  • Return your arm to their starting position after a while,
  • After completing ten reps, repeat with the other side.
The kettlebell push press is a great way to train your triceps and chest! (Image via pexels/Geancarlo Peruzzolo)
The kettlebell push press is a great way to train your triceps and chest! (Image via pexels/Geancarlo Peruzzolo)

2) Staggered Stance Row

This is yet another fabulous kettlebell exercise for beginners, It engages the core, upper and lower body.


  • Your right hand should hold the kettlebell while your arm should be at your side.
  • Put your left foot forward and advance. Your left forearm should lie above your left thigh as you flex both knees.
  • Tighten your core, and ensure that your trunk is at a 45-degree angle to the ground.
  • Row the kettlebell up to rib height while maintaining your elbow close to your side and keeping your abs tight.
  • Hold for a short while before going back to the starting position.
  • Switch sides after five to ten reps.

3) Kettlebell Farmer’s Walk

This is a body exercise that can tone your upper back and grip while working the legs and core.


  • With your arms by your sides, hold two kettlebells, one in each hand.
  • Start walking quickly and quickly, concentrating on maintaining your core tight and body straight.
  • Continue to move around till you feel your grasp slipping.
  • To prevent shattered toes, tiles, or flooring, you should put the weights back down.
The kettlebell farmer's walk is a great exercise to add to your routine! (Image via pexels/Kampus Production)
The kettlebell farmer's walk is a great exercise to add to your routine! (Image via pexels/Kampus Production)

4) Kettlebell Deadlift

In addition to giving you the foundation you need for kettlebell swings, the deadlift is one of the best kettlebell exercises for beginners, as it helps you develop muscle in the glutes, hamstrings, and core.


  • Place your feet hip-width apart as you stand. Maintain a high chest and a forward gaze.
  • Kettlebell placement should be between your feet, facing slightly forward.
  • With your knees slightly bent, hinge at your hips while maintaining a flat back. Use both hands to hold the kettlebell.
  • Maintaining your arms and the kettlebell straight down, push back up by kicking your glutes forward.
  • Lower the kettlebell. Perform ten repetitions.
Kettlebell deadlifts are a great exercise for your back, glutes, and core! (Image via pexels/Ketut Subiyanto)
Kettlebell deadlifts are a great exercise for your back, glutes, and core! (Image via pexels/Ketut Subiyanto)

5) Kettlebell Bent-over Row

This is one of the best kettlebell exercises for beginners and works several muscles at once.


  • With one hand holding the kettlebell, slant your hips forward as you lean forward. Maintain a straight back virtually parallel to the floor while bending your knees a bit.
  • Pull the kettlebell up while bending your elbow and turning your hand so that the palm faces inwards. Begin by engaging your core, and suspend your shoulders.
  • Lift your arm straight to lower the kettlebell.
  • Continue for ten reps; switch sides, and perform ten reps.
  • You can perform this pose while holding a kettlebell in each hand to cut down on time and up the intensity.


Kettlebell exercises for beginners are a great way to change up your workout, whether you're new to weight training or just tired of the same old dumbbell routines. The basic kettlebell workout we've put together above should help you push your muscles in novel directions, which is essential for developing strength.

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