5 Hatha Yoga Exercises & Poses to Lose Weight and Get in Shape

Hatha Yoga will give you confidence, joy, happiness, and equilibrium. (Image via Unsplash/ Wesley Tingey)
Hatha Yoga can give you confidence, joy, happiness and equilibrium. (Image via Unsplash/Wesley Tingey)

Hatha Yoga is the origin of many popular yoga forms. It's the root of all other types of yoga, including Power, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yin, Iyengar, Hot, and Bikram.

Hatha is a traditional form of yoga that incorporates breathing exercises and positions (asanas) (pranayama). This traditional yoga form combines a variety of other styles. There are numerous benefits, including weight loss, which is appropriate for novices.

In addition to helping people lose weight, Hatha yoga also provides physical and mental benefits. It places a strong emphasis on healthy eating and breathing techniques to internally cleanse the body.

Best Hatha Yoga Poses to Get in Shape

Hatha yoga comprises gentle and relaxed yoga poses. It's a wonderful introduction to the fundamental poses of yoga. Additionally, it provides adequate space for any new yogi to advance comfortably and safely.

This yoga form encourages a greater level of consciousness and spiritual emancipation.

Check out the list of five best Hatha Yoga asanas that should be included in your daily routine for weight loss:

1) Bridge Pose

This is the hatha yoga pose you ought to be practicing if you want to build your shoulders and tone your thighs and abs. It's one of the finest yoga poses for quick weight loss, as it enhances digestion and blood circulation.


Here’s how to do it:

  • With your feet flat on the ground and arms by your sides, lie on your back.
  • Lift yourself off the ground while exhaling such that your neck and head are flat on the ground and parallel to the feet.
  • When your spine is in an arching position, do not exert yourself excessively.
  • You can grip onto your ankles from the inside or clench your fingers just below your arch for greater flexibility.

2) Locust Pose

Your metabolism will be boosted and digestion improved by this hatha yoga asana. It can also tone your shoulders, chest, and belly muscles in addition to helping in belly fat loss.


Instructions to follow:

  • With arms resting next to you, lie on your stomach with your forehead on the ground.
  • Turn your big toes in the direction of the other. Firmly maintain your buttocks.
  • Raise your arms, legs, upper body, and head off the floor while exhaling.
  • Set your legs and heels firmly.
  • Stretch through your fingertips as you raise your arms parallel to the ground.
  • Extend your arms upwards.
  • Keep your neck and spine in a straight line while looking straight.
  • Before breathing out, hold the posture for 30 seconds.

3) Plow Pose

One of the best hatha yoga poses for weight loss is the plow pose. It can help you lose weight by regulating the body's metabolism and stimulating the digestive system.



  • Start by lying on your back with your hands by your sides and palms facing down. The feet should be flat on the ground.
  • Llift your legs off of your hips. Put your hands either side of your hips to help support them.
  • Look to touch the ground behind your head by bending your legs at the hips. As you do that, place your hands flat on the ground, with your palms facing down.
  • After remaining in this position for 10-30 seconds, slowly roll back to the starting position.

4) Frog Pose

The hips and inner thighs are stretched during what is known as the finest hatha yoga pose for losing weight in the lower body.

Along with strengthening the spinal column, this pose causes fat to burn in specific places. Additionally, it can strengthen posture and engages the abdominal muscles.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Lie flat with your stomach on the ground.
  • While keeping your knees raised, grab hold of your feet with your hands.
  • When you begin to inhale, elevate your chest, and clench your shoulders.
  • Grab your feet by the toes, and make sure the heels are in contact with the hips.
  • Before returning to the starting position, hold this pose for a minute.

5) Side Plank Pose

Numerous long-term benefits for weight management are provided by this excellent hatha yoga asana. It can assist in burning extra calories and undesirable fat deposits in the arms and abdomen.


Follow these steps:

  • Lie with your right side facing up.
  • Cross your legs one over the otehr.
  • To ensure support, extend your right arm while straighening the body.
  • Reach the ceiling with your left arm.
  • Make sure you can see your left thumb by raising your head.
  • Hold the posture for ten seconds.


Hatha yoga has numerous benefits for overall well-being. You will feel at peace after doing this yoga and have the power to improve yourself. It can also give you confidence, joy, happiness, and equilibrium.

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