5 Yoga Poses to Reduce Knee Pain and Prevent Injury

Strong and healthy knees are important in order to lead a normal life (Image via Pexels @Rocketmann Team)
Strong and healthy knees are important in order to lead a normal life (Image via Pexels @Rocketmann Team)

Knee pain is a common complaint these days, and if not treated properly, it can deteriorate over time. Chronic knee pain is common in the elderly and has been shown to disrupt their daily lives. Those suffering from knee injuries or discomfort are often unable to participate in many activities that require walking or climbing stairs. If left untreated, this loss of function can worsen over time.

Knee pain can be due to a variety of factors, such as tight hamstrings and calves, weak or tight outer and inner thighs, poor ankle mobility, underactive glutes, weak feet, and so on. If your knee pain is just a case of tight muscles, simple stretching and yoga can help you relieve tension from these muscles and strengthen them over time.

Below we will discuss some simple and easy yoga exercises for knee pain. You can also check out our article on knee-friendly exercises to stay active.


Yoga Poses to Reduce Knee Pain and Prevent Injury

Check out the following yoga asanas you must do to strengthen your knees.

1) Triangle Pose

This is a classic yoga pose for beginners that is especially helpful with knee pain, back pain, sciatica, and neck pain. The triangle pose strengthens your shoulders, chest, and legs while relaxing your spine, hips, and groin.


  • Stand tall with your feet about four feet apart.
  • The tips of your right toes should point forward, while the tips of your left toes should be spread out at an angle.
  • Raise your arms parallel to the floor, palms facing down.
  • Tilt slightly forward and hinge your right hip to bring your arm and torso forward.
  • Take your hand and place it on your leg, a yoga block, or the floor.
  • Extend your left arm slowly towards the ceiling.
  • You may look up, forward, or down.
  • Repeat the pose on both sides for one minute.

2) Setu Bandhasana

The bridge pose aids in blood pressure regulation. It also helps with mild depression and is good for the abdominal organs, lungs, menstrual pain, knee pain, fatigue, headaches, and anxiety. Additionally, it relaxes the mind and relieves stress as well.


  • Lie on your back with your hands at your sides, your knees bent, and your feet flat on the floor near your buttocks.
  • To create a straight line from your knees to your shoulders, press into your feet while lifting your hips and torso.
  • Hold for up to 30 seconds before lowering your hips to the floor.

3) Utkatasana

Chair pose improves your balance as well as your cardiovascular health and resilience. It mainly works on your core, thighs, and ankles, helping to strengthen them. Since it can strengthen your entire lower body, it helps to take pressure off your knees, thus alleviating knee pain.


  • Stand tall, with your feet wider than your hips and your arms at your sides.
  • Inhale and raise your arms to the level of your ears, stretching them straight and parallel with your wrists and fingers extended.
  • Maintain a neutral spine and shoulders.
  • Exhale while kneeling, keeping your thighs and knees parallel. Lean forward, making a right angle with the tops of your thighs.
  • Maintain proper alignment of your neck and head with your torso and arms. Maintain the pose for 30 seconds to a minute.

4) Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend

The wide angle seated forward bend stretches the adductors (inner thighs) and your hamstrings. Relieving tension from these muscles promotes knee health and can help to alleviate knee pain.


  • Sit up straight, your legs open to the sides.
  • Keep your knees flexed and your toes pointing up.
  • Push down through your big toe, so your quads are facing the ceiling.
  • Breathe deeply and lengthen your spine as you hinge at the hips, bringing your hands forward and your upper body between your legs.
  • Maintain a straight back and avoid bending your spine.
  • To release from the pose, return to a sitting position by moving your hands back.

5) Child's Pose

This is an excellent relaxing and restorative asana that is recommended for most bodily aches like shoulder stiffness, back pain, hip tightness, and knee pain. The asana helps to stretch and relieve tension from the muscles surrounding the knees.


  • Begin by kneeling on your mat.
  • If necessary, spread your knees out to the width of a yoga mat.
  • Place your hands in front of you, touching the mat, and slowly lean forward, keeping your chest open rather than contracting.
  • Your hips should be as close to your heels as your stomach is to your thighs.
  • By placing your forehead on the mat, you should feel a gentle stretch through your entire body.
  • Continue for a minute, then take a deep breath and return your head to the starting position.


Knee pain can cause problems with leading a normal life. However, this is exactly why you shouldn't take knee pain lightly. Consult a doctor about exercises and yoga poses that can help you with your knee pain.

The above mentioned yoga poses are good for strengthening the muscles in and around the knees, and they should be able to relieve pain over time. It is important for you to maintain the health of your knees, and hence, keep exercising as much as possible.

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