6 Best Breast Lifting Exercises for Women

Breast lifting exercises help you in developing stronger muscles and enhancing your look. (Image via Unsplash/ Bruce Mars)
Breast lifting exercises can help in developing stronger muscles and enhancing your look. (Image via Unsplash/Bruce Mars)

While you can't change your genetics, breast lifting exercises can help shape and raise your breasts. Sagging breasts, or breast ptosis as it is known in medical parlance, are very prevalent.

In addition to naturally lifting the breasts, exercising upper body muscles can give you a toned, sculpted upper body that can boost your self-confidence. The way their breasts look bothers a lot of women. For some, that's caused by organic factors like pregnancy or breastfeeding. Many experience breast drooping as they age or experience weight changes.

Best Breast Lifting Exercises

Sagging breasts can be caused by many reasons, including age, abrupt weight loss, pregnancy, obesity, wrong bra usage, or lack of upper body exercises.

Of course, neither time travel nor changing one's DNA is possible. However, performing specific upper body exercises can help you develop bigger, stronger, and tighter chest muscles.

Check out the six best breast lifting exercises to include in your routine:

1) Dumbbell chest press

It targets the pectorals, which are located underneath the breast tissue, as well as the shoulders, upper back, biceps, and triceps. This breast-lifting exercise primarily works the chest muscles and is quite effective.



  • Lie on your back on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand. You should have your palms facing your feet.
  • Draw a deep breath in, and raise the dumbbells such that their heads just touch.Do that by extending your elbows.
  • Raise your arms in a reverse 'V' shape.
  • The dumbbells should be lowered gradually. Inhale and exhale.
  • Lift them back up by strengthening your core.

2) Push-up

One of the best full body exercises you can do is push-ups. It's also a great breast lifting exercise, as it specifically targets those pectoral (pec) muscles to raise sagging breasts. You can easily adjust the exercise by bending at the knees if a regular push-up is too difficult.



  • Put your hands a little more than shoulder-width apart while getting on all fours.
  • Your arms and legs should be extended straight.
  • Lower your body so that the chest is almost parallel to the ground.
  • Take a moment before raising yourself back up.
  • Repeat.

3) Plank shoulder tap

Rhis modified plank pose is another great breast lifting exercise. It includes shoulder taps for additional stability and chest contraction.

Check out the best plank variations exercises for weight loss.



  • Start in a plank position, keeping your core and glutes tight and hands directly beneath the shoulders.
  • When you're ready, tap your right shoulder with your left, and get back into the plank position.
  • Maintaining a straight posture as you continue to swap sides.

4) Incline chest press

With this chest press variant, you may exercise the pectoral muscles from a variety of angles. That will help develop your chest, making it one of the best breast lifting exercises.



  • Orient on the bench at a 45-degree angle. Lie supine on the bench with a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Aim to establish contact with the bench with your head, shoulders, and butt by pressing the feet firmly into the ground.
  • Raise the dumbbells overhead with your hands facing ahead and shoulders drawn back and down.
  • Inhale as you bring your arms to a position where they're just wider than the armpits.
  • Exhale as you press your arms up to full elbow extension.

5) Medicine ball superman hold

It's more of a core workout. It's also one of the best breast lifting exercises, as it targets the pectorals, shoulders, and biceps.



  • While lying on your stomach, hold a medicine ball, with your arms out in front.
  • Lift your hands and legs at once while inhaling and engaging the core.
  • To avoid straining your neck, keep it lowered, and focus on the ground.
  • Retract your hands and legs. Pick them up again before they touch the ground.

6) Cable crossover

To ensure that every section of the chest is worked for a well-rounded appearance, hit the muscles at a varied angle, like in a cable crossover.



  • Gripping the grips, raise each pulley above your head.
  • Stepping forward, extend your arms in front. Draw the handles down together, and bend your waist slightly to go back to the starting position.
  • Once you feel a stretch in your chest, bend your elbows a bit, and slowly raise and extend your arms.
  • After pausing, repeat the process while returning to the starting position.


The aforementioned breast lifting exercises can give your breasts a lift-up. It's usually a good idea to accept how your body changes as you age, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to give the body a boost and lift your breasts.

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