6 Best Leg Exercises to Add Size and Definition

Best Leg Exercises To Add Size And Definition (Image via Pexels)
Leg Exercises to Add Size and Definition (Image via Pexels)

Building lean, strong, and defined legs requires years of hard work. It can be frustrating if you're unaware of the correct exercises. Lower body workouts have various options.

The major muscle groups of the lower body are the hamstrings, quads, adductors, glutes, and calves. You must focus your energy on exercises that tackle these areas more. Lower body strength is essential for athletic and explosive movements.

Fabulous leg exercises for greater definition

Here's a look at six such exercises:

1) Barbell Back Squat


The barbell back squat should be a staple in your routine. It's a time-tested exercise regularly acknowledged by bodybuilders, powerlifters, and athletes as one of the best leg exercises.


  • Stand upright with a barbell on your upper back. You can use the high bar or low bar position based on your goals and mobility.
  • While bracing the core, bend at the knees, and descend into a squat.
  • Squat as deep as possible for maximum muscle activation and quad stretch.
  • Keep your back flat throughout the movement. Avoid turning the movement into a lower back exercise by kneeling too forward.
  • Explode back up to the starting position. Repeat.

Choose a rep range based on your goals. Perform 3-5 reps for strength and 8-15 for hypertrophy. A mix of both is ideal. If you're an athlete, goblet squats and jump squats are among the best leg exercises for developing explosive power.

2) Lunge


Lunges are an athletic, explosive movement routinely used by bodybuilders and combat athletes. Besides overall leg development, lunges are one of the best exercises for improving hip and lower body mobility.


  • You can do it with barbells, dumbells, chains, or your bodyweight.
  • Stand upright with your feet held at hip-width. Engage your core.
  • Step forward with your right foot, and descend into a lunge. When your right thigh is parallel to the ground, engage your glutes, and push off the ground using your right leg.
  • Return to the starting position. Repeat on the left leg.
  • Perform 3-5 sets of 8-12 repetitions for each leg. You can also do it for specified distances.

3) Leg Extension


While heavy weights are necessary to develop overall size, developing striations and extreme definition requires various assistance exercises. Leg extensions are one of the best exercises to develop the quadriceps - especially the 'teardrop' look.


  • Sit on a leg extension machine.
  • Adjust the lower pad according to your comfort. You should feel a light stretch in your quads when in the proper position.
  • You only need light weights in this movement. Heavy loads in this awkward angle may be harmful to the knee joint.
  • Lift the lower pad upwards using your quads. You can lightly touch your quads to feel the contraction.
  • Lift your legs as high as possible. Squeeze the quadriceps at the top of the movement.
  • You can hold the top position for one to two seconds before returning to the starting position. Repeat.
  • Perform 3-5 sets of 8-25 reps. Add them to the end of your workout. Alternatively, use them for pre-activating your quads and warming up the knees. They can also be performed unilaterally.

4) Lying Hamstring Curl


Hamstrings are often a stubborn muscle group that requires a lot of volume and exercise variation. Lying hamstring curls are among the best leg exercises for creating hamstring definition and size.


  • Lie down with your face pointing towards the floor on a lying hamstring curl machine.
  • The curl pad should lie on your calves, neither too high nor too low.
  • Raise the pad using your hamstrings, and avoid body momentum.
  • Curl your leg as much as you can towards the back of the thigh.
  • Hold the contraction for a second. Return to the starting position while controlling the eccentric.
  • Perform 3-5 sets of 8-15 reps. You can perform drop sets or superset them with leg extensions for an unbelievable pump. They can also be done unilaterally.

5) Seated Calf Raise


If you want to avoid having big upper legs and chicken calves below, seated calf raises are one the best leg exercises you can add to your arsenal. It works the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles through their full range of motion. However, find a machine with a raised platform to place your feet.


  • Sit on the calf machine with the upper part of your sole placed on the raised pad. You can use a weight plate to elevate your feet' edges.
  • Place the pad slightly behind your knees.
  • Use your calves to press the weight up. Contract at the top of the movement.
  • Slowly lower the weight. Stretch out your calves by lowering your heels as far as possible.
  • Hold the stretch for a second, at least. Explode back up.
  • Perform five sets of 8-20 reps. Superset them with standing calf raises for a complete calf workout.

6) Pistol Squat


Pistol squats are one of the best leg exercises that can be done anywhere with just your bodyweight. It can help resolve any strength imbalance or size asymmetry. It also develops a ton of core stability and body coordination.


  • Stand upright with your feet at hip-width.
  • Extend one leg foward using your core for maintaining balance. You can stretch your arms forward for better balance.
  • While bracing your core and keeping your upper body as straight as possible, descend into a one-legged squat.
  • Initially, you may not be able to reach full depth. You can slowly build up to it.
  • Explode back upwards. Repeat.
  • Perform as many reps as possible for both legs.


The aforementioned movements are the best leg exercises to build a strong, defined lower body. Make sure you stretch routinely, and perform a regular mobility routine, as the hips, quads and hamstrings are common areas of injury and tightness.

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