6 Comfortable Yoga Poses for Beginners

(Image via Pexels/Mirian Alonso)
Yoga exercises for beginners (Image via Pexels/Mirian Alonso)

Yoga poses can be overwhelming and intimidating for beginners, especially the crazy balancing ones making the rounds on the internet.

However, starting yoga is not as difficult as it seems. You can start with a few simple poses and exercises before moving to more advanced poses, according to your fitness level.

Comfortable Yoga Poses for Beginners

Here, we have curated a list of the six most comfortable yoga poses for beginners:

1) Reverse Warrior Pose (Viparita Virabhadrasana)

It's an easy and comfortable poses that boosts standing balance. It can stretch both sides of your body and boost strength too.


How to do this pose?

Start in the standard Warrior II pose with your left foot to the front. Lean with your torso to the front, with your left arm extended towards the ceiling, and feel a deep stretch in your body.

You can position your right arm either on your right thigh or gently on your back. Raise your gaze towards the left hand fingertips. Hold before swapping sides and repeating.

2) Downward Facing Dog Split

It's a comfortable yoga poses that can help build core and arm strength. This pose can also help improve mobility and flexibility.


How to do this pose?

Start by bringing your body into the downward facing dog position, with your torso, creating about an inverted 'V' shape along with feet and palm pressed onto the ground.

Lift your left leg off the floor behind you while evenly balancing your bodyweight on both arms. Keep your left ankle, hips, and crown of the head in alignment. Hold and breathe deeply. Swap sides, and repeat.

3) Seated Wide Angle Straddle (Upavistha Konasana)

It's an underutilized but comfortable yoga pose that can open up the back and hip region and strengthen the spine.


How to do this pose?

Start by bringing your body into the staff pose before opening your legs wide apart with an upright back. Your toes should be angled towards the ceiling, with both feet flexed.

Keep your legs and hip bones pressed to the ground. With a lengthened spine, fold forward from the hips, and start walking your palms forward on the floor. Hold before gently releasing.

4) Cobra Pose (Bhaujangasana)

It's a very effective yoga poses to help relieve lower back pain, strengthen the spine and build spinal mobility. It can enhance posture by counteracting the effects of hunchback.


How to do this pose?

Lie on your belly before positioning your palms flat on the floor just underneath your shoulders and tucking the elbows into the sides. Press your pelvic region to the ground before raising your chest off the ground, with your shoulders rolled back. Keep your neck neutral and gaze to the ground.

5) Head to Knee Pose (Janu Sirsasana)

It helps in alleviating tight muscles by stretching the groin, hips, and hamstrings. This pose is also highly beneficial for people engaged in sports or any athletic activity.


How to do this pose?

Begin in the staff pose, with your legs extended in front. Bend your right knee to the sides to bring the sole of your right foot towards your left inner thigh. Fold your torso forward with your hands, reaching the extended leg in front of you. Hold before swapping sides.

6) Supine Spinal Twist

It's a decent yoga pose that can aid in digestion and improve spinal mobility.


How to do this pose?

Lie on your back before bending your knees, with your feet pressed onto the ground. Extend one leg to the front, with the opposite knee drawn to the chest. Cross the bent leg towards the other side to feel a stretch and hold. Swap sides, and repeat.

Bottom Line

The aforementioned yoga poses are some of the most comfortable and effective ones that beginners can incorporate in their daily routine.

Some of the common benefits of these poses include alleviating tight muscles, reducing tension, increasing balance, improving flexibility and posture, building strength, toning the body, and weight reduction.

Remember to give proper time and patience to learn these yoga poses, as they're the foundation for the more advanced ones.

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