6 Simple Dumbbell Exercises for Beginners

(Photo via Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)
Dumbbell exercises are great for beginners. (Photo via Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)

For a beginner, trying to start a new workout routine, especially with weights, can be challenging. However, strength training, particularly simple dumbbell exercises, can be an easy and time-effective way to kickstart the routine.

Dumbbell exercises are one of the best ways to start strength training, as free weight is easily manageable and easy to handle as well. Also, you can always adjust your load with dumbbells, which offers limitless options when it comes to modifying exercises to suit your fitness level and needs.

Dumbbell exercises also come with several benefits. They help burn more fat, strengthen the muscles, reduce risk of injuries, improve flexibility, balance and stability, and boost overall body strength.

Easy Dumbbell Exercises for Beginners

To help you include dumbbells into your workout routine, we’ve compiled a list of six dumbbell exercises you can perform regularly to work your entire body:

1) Chest Press

Here’s how to do a chest press with dumbbells:

  • Lie down on a bench with dumbbells in each hand and feet on the floor.
  • With your palms facing towards your feet, push the weights up so that your arms get over your shoulders.
  • Squeeze your chest at the top of the lift. At a controlled pace, lower the dumbbells till your elbows bend at a 90-degree angle, and the dumbbells reach your chest level.
  • Press the dumbbells up again, and repeat the exercise.

2) Goblet Squat

Here’s how to perform goblet squats:

  • Hold a dumbbell vertically with both hands in front of your body, and stand with your feet wider than hip-distance apart.
  • Push your hips down and back as you bend your knees, and lower yourself into a full squat.
  • Make sure to keep the weight close to your body, and push through your heels to return back up.
  • Repeat.

3) Biceps Curl

Here’s how to do biceps curls:

  • Stand tall with a dumbbell in each hand. Lock your elbows as you hold the weight.
  • With both elbows bent and body straight, curl the weight up by squeezing your biceps at the top of the movement.
  • Return the weight to the starting position, and repeat the exercise a few more times.

4) Triceps Kickback

Here’s how to perform a triceps kickback:

  • Hold a pair of dumbbells with your palms facing towards your body. Hold the weight at your sides tightly.
  • Hinge at your hips forward, keeping the core muscles properly pulled in and spine in a neutral position.
  • Bend both arms at the same time at a 90-degree angle to your elbows so that the triceps get aligned with the back.
  • Raise the dumbbells up and back as you slowly straighten your arms.
  • At the top contraction of your elbows, pause for a second, and lower the weight back down to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the desired number of reps.

5) Lunge

Here’s how to perform lunges with dumbbells:

  • Stand tall by holding dumbbells by your sides.
  • Take a huge step forward with your left leg, and lower your body down till both knees get at 90 degrees.
  • Push your body up through your left leg, and return to the starting position for the next rep.
  • Make sure to keep the dumbbells by your side throughout the exercise.
  • Switch legs, and continue.

6) Shrug

Here’s how to do dumbbell shrugs:

  • Stand straight holding dumbbells by your sides. Keep your palms facing each other.
  • Lift the dumbbells by shrugging your shoulder muscles up and keeping both arms straight.
  • Pause for a second, and lower the weights to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat.

Bottom Line

Now that you know some of the beginner-friendly dumbbell exercises, incorporate them into your everyday workout routine. Start slow with light dumbbells, and aim for fewer reps. Gradually, increase your pace and reps as you gain strength and become more confident.

However, before starting any strength training or including the aforementioned dumbbell exercises to your workout routine, make sure to consult a doctor or physical therapist to ensure your body is ready to perform the workouts. Also, if you have any health concern, it's best to consult a doctor to determine whether any workout routine is safe for you.

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