6 Fat Loss Exercises for Women That Do Not Require Weights

The greatest approach to burning those calories is to constantly perform fat loss exercises at home. (Image via Unsplash/ Ave Calvar)
The greatest approach to burning those calories is to constantly perform fat loss exercises at home. (Image via Unsplash/ Ave Calvar)

For the majority of individuals, fat loss exercises mean going to the gym, spending hours on a cardio machine, and/or doing a lot of weightlifting. Despite popular belief, you can burn calories, drop pounds, and build strength in different ways.

In reality, you already meet the two basic prerequisites to do that. Both your body and space are present. Anyone can find outdoor space to move around and exercise. Fortunately, all that is required for this exercise regimen is you, your room, and a period of six weeks.

Studies demonstrate that the best strategy to burn fat and lose weight is to choose fat loss exercises that use numerous muscle groups and elevate your heart rate.

Best Fat Loss Exercises Without Equipment

The best way to burn calories and build muscle is to perform simple but effective fat loss exercises at home on a regular basis.

Check out these 6 simple fat-burning exercises for women to help them lose belly fat at home:

1) Push-ups to a crunch

You'll work every muscle in your body with this effective fat loss exercise. It is one of the best plank variations for weight loss.


Instructions to follow:

  • With your hands just outside shoulder-width apart, you'll start out on all fours. Take a plank position, keeping your arms and legs straight.
  • When your chest is nearly touching the floor, bring your left knee towards your elbow.
  • Following that, straighten your arms and lift your body up. Bring your body back into a plank posture, then drag your right knee towards your right elbow. Repeat on the other side.

2) Squat to lunges

This energetic fat loss exercise will keep your core engaged, work the muscles in your lower body, and help you gain muscle.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Set your legs hip-width apart when you first stand. Such that your thighs are parallel to the ground, assume a squat position.
  • Bring your right leg back to a 90-degree angle while keeping your left leg steady and keeping it hovering over the ground.
  • In a squatting stance, step your left leg back to form a 90-degree angle while bringing your right leg back with it.
  • Repeat on the other side with your left leg as you squat back down.

3) Mountain climbers

This fat loss exercise's plank position develops excellent core strength while the rapid-fire leg movement dramatically raises the heart rate!


Instructions to follow:

  • Keep your upper body in a firm plank position.
  • Keep your hands directly beneath your shoulders.
  • While keeping the rear leg straight, quickly bring the right knee forward at a time.
  • Bring back your right knee and move the left side in the same manner.
  • Start with 15 seconds of effort, then 45 seconds of rest for 6–10 rounds.

4) Burpees

The burpee is one of the most well-known cardio exercises for burning fat, and for good reason—they are difficult and works the entire body. Burpees are challenging since they call for a lot of motion.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Start tall with your feet under your hips.
  • Bring your hands to the floor and stoop.
  • Kick feet back into plank position while maintaining weight in hands.
  • Add push-ups if you can
  • When kicking your legs out, avoid letting your hips droop.
  • Regain your feet, get up, jump, and reach.

5) Skaters

Skaters' benefits extend far beyond just losing belly fat. They can also promote fat loss, increase agility, improve strength, raise power, and drastically improve your overall fitness.


Instructions to follow:

  • Stand with your legs spread over your shoulders.
  • Jump to one side of the mat, bending one leg at a small angle behind the supporting leg.
  • Return to your feet, then leap to the other side of your mat.
  • Land on the back leg of the other leg after shifting your weight.

6) Tuck jumps

This plyometric activity is an excellent addition to any fat loss exercise routine because it burns calories like a furnace.

Check out this list of top plyometric exercises for athletic performance.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Kneel down while standing with your feet hip-width apart and raise your arms overhead.
  • Bent deeper and spring straight up, lifting your knees to touch your outstretched hands.
  • Make sure to lightly land and to keep your knees bent.


Make progress instead of offering reasons why you can't. To make a difference, all you need to do is take good care of your body.

You have to be committed and keep telling yourself you can do this every day because losing weight is both a mental and physical effort.

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