6 Simple Exercises to Tame Your Tummy

Here are the best and most simple exercises to tame your tummy! (Image via unsplash/Olivia Bauso)
Best and most simple exercises to tame your tummy. (Image via Unsplash/Olivia Bauso)

If you’re looking to improve your core strength and flatten your stomach, try a few simple exercises.

They’re easy to do at home and only require some floor space and a wall. So, let's get started.

Simple Exercises for Tummy

Here's a look at six such exercises:

#1 Bicycle Crunch

Here's how it's done:

  • Lay flat on your back with your arms beside your body.
  • Lift both legs, and bring them up towards the ceiling, keeping them straight.
  • Contract your abs as you bring your knees in towards the chest, taking care not to round out the back or arch it upwards.
  • Your shoulders should be pressed firmly against the mat throughout this exercise.
  • Breathe in and exhale as you extend both legs towards you.
  • Simultaneously lift from under your neck and head up towards the ceiling before curling back down into a crunch position again.
  • Do 15 reps at this speed, and repeat at half speed (30 seconds each time).


#2 Plank

Planks are a great way to work the abs. A plank is a static exercise that requires you to hold a push-up position for extended periods of time (usually two minutes, but you can start with one minute).

The goal is to keep your body stiff as a board and avoid sinking down toward the floor or shifting around in any way. It’s important not to let yourself sag while doing planks, as that will put more stress on your spine rather than on your abdominal muscles. It also makes it more difficult to do the exercise correctly.

Your stomach muscles should be flexed throughout the exercise so that they support rather than strain your back when performing planks. Placing too much pressure on them with poor form can cause painful injuries like herniated discs or spinal stenosis over time if done incorrectly (or at high volume).


Planks should never hurt; if anything feels uncomfortable during plank exercises, stop immediately, and seek medical advice.

That's especially if there's any numbness along with pain in either hand/foot due to compression of nerves running through those areas (e.g., median nerve compression from sitting too long without moving feet around enough).

#3 Hanging Leg Raise

It's done as follows:

  • Hang from a pull-up bar, and hold onto the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Raise your legs till they're parallel to the floor, and lower them back down to the starting position (keeping your knees straight).
  • Repeat for specified reps, performing three sets of 12-15 reps each set with 90 seconds of rest between sets.


#4 Side Plank Leg Lift

To do the side plank leg lifts, lie on your side, and place your forearm on the ground. Proceed as follows:

  • Prop yourself up by placing your feet under a stable object.
  • Lift your leg that rests on top, and stretch it as far as you can.
  • Bring it back down, and hold for 30 seconds, slowly increasing the time as you get stronger. This exercise works the obliques and abdominal muscles, and helps flatten the tummy.
  • To make it more challenging, hold weights in both hands while doing this move.


#5 Jumping Jack

This exercise is a great way to get the heart rate up and work the abs and legs. Proceed as follows:

  • Stand with feet together, arms at sides, and hands on hips.
  • Jump up while raising arms overhead, and land in the same position (arms overhead). Repeat quickly 15 times or more to start with.
  • Gradually increase the number of repetitions each time you do the exercise till you're able to do 50 or more repetitions in one set without stopping.

#6 Stair Climb

Stair climbs are an excellent way to strengthen the core muscles, which are the muscles that stabilise the body and prevent you from falling forward. These exercises also help strengthen the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves.

Stair climbing is a great exercise for people with lower back pain, as it strengthens the core muscles in the abdomen and back. Additionally, stair climbing can improve balance, flexibility, and endurance by increasing muscle mass in the hips and legs.


The exercises listed above are just a few of many that can help improve core strength. You don’t have to do them all at once; try adding one or two into your workout routine, and see how they feel. If you want more options, try working in some alternative ab exercises in combination with our choices.

Warming up is important, as it prepares the muscles for exercise by warming them up gradually so they don't get injured when they're suddenly put under pressure during physical activity.

A good warm-up should include light cardiovascular activity, such as walking around outside or on a treadmill at low intensity for at least five minutes before starting any challenging exercises like running or biking outdoors for ten minutes each day. That can do wonders to help keep those pesky pounds off.

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