8 collagen-rich foods to boost your skin health

Collagen-rich foods to add to your diet (Image by Ca Creative/Unsplash)
Collagen-rich foods to add to your diet (Image by Ca Creative/Unsplash)

Collagen-rich foods have a lot of nutrients in them, which can help to improve not only skin but also bone and joint health, and our body naturally produces collagen, however with age, there is a rapid decrease in collagen production.

Collagen is a protein that we often get when we consume meat or fish, but in some plants or leafy greens, there are amino acids that help to boost collagen in the body. It can even boost your hair condition and also give support to your tissues.

You can get this protein from foods that you eat or you can even take supplements to boost it, however getting it from your daily diet is healthy and budget-friendly. So let us see what are the collagen-rich foods that you can add to your diet for better skin health.

8 collagen-rich foods

1. Berry

Collagen-rich foods: Berries (Image by Rodion Kutsaiev/Unsplash)
Collagen-rich foods: Berries (Image by Rodion Kutsaiev/Unsplash)

They are very rich in vitamin C, which helps our body to build collagen, as our body doesn’t produce C on its own, so we have to consume it from other sources and berries are an excellent one, as we get a variety of them ~ strawberry, blueberry or even raspberry. Also, vitamin C is very good for the skin and can reduce skin pigmentation and promote skin lightening.

2. Egg whites

Egg whites come under collagen-rich foods (Image by Mustafa Bashari/Unsplash)
Egg whites come under collagen-rich foods (Image by Mustafa Bashari/Unsplash)

Egg whites have high contents of proline, which is an important amino acid needed for producing collagen. Therefore having egg whites daily can help you boost your skin health and even reduce aging.

3. Chicken

Collagen-rich foods: Chicken (Image by JK Sloan/Unsplash)
Collagen-rich foods: Chicken (Image by JK Sloan/Unsplash)

This is one of the best meats to eat, to boost collagen as it contains all the amino acids, needed to produce more collagen. The tissues in chicken are also a rich source of dietary collagen and it is very easy to add meat to your diet if you are a non-vegetarian. You can add it to your breakfast sandwich or your lunch meal, or for dinner, you can have chicken broth.

4. Leafy greens

Add leafy greens to your diet to boost collagen production (Image by Cole Patrick/Unsplash)
Add leafy greens to your diet to boost collagen production (Image by Cole Patrick/Unsplash)

Leafy green vegetables like kale, spinach, lettuce, and many more contain chlorophyll which increases collagen production in the body and also provides the body with vitamin C . Therefore doctors say to add green vegetables to every meal so that you can get a lot of nutrients by consuming just a few calories, which is also a healthy meal.

5. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits come under collagen-rich foods (Image by Brooke Lark/Unsplash)
Citrus fruits come under collagen-rich foods (Image by Brooke Lark/Unsplash)

As we already know, vitamin C is important when it comes to producing the precursor to collagen in our body. Fruits like oranges, grapes, and other citruses are very rich in this vitamin and they also link amino acids during collagen production in the body. This is why you should have citrus fruits for breakfast or even as a snack.

6. Fish

Fishes are rich in Omega-3 and even come under collagen-rich foods (Image by CA Creative/Unsplash)
Fishes are rich in Omega-3 and even come under collagen-rich foods (Image by CA Creative/Unsplash)

The collagen from fish is very easily absorbed by our bodies and fishes and their skin is a natural source of omega-3 fatty acids and amino acids. Fish is a source of collagen peptides too. Therefore having fish daily or weekly can help to produce more collagen in the body and improve skin quality.

7. Beef

Add beef to your diet to boost collagen (Image by Madie Hamilton/Unsplash)
Add beef to your diet to boost collagen (Image by Madie Hamilton/Unsplash)

If you’re a meat eater and love to have beef, then you should know that this meat type is high in zinc and zinc is essential for collagen production. Beef also contains glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline- the three amino acids that make collagen.

8. Oyster

Oysters too come under collagen-rich foods (Image by Ben Stern/Unsplash)
Oysters too come under collagen-rich foods (Image by Ben Stern/Unsplash)

Oysters are expensive to add to the diet and have high levels of copper in them. Copper helps to create more collagen in the body, so next time when you’re going for dinner, order yourself a plate of oysters and enjoy slurping on them as you will be boosting your collagen levels eventually.

Focus on these foods, to boost collagen levels in your body and focus on consuming nutrients that will support boosting collagen production. Also, stay away from ultraviolet rays, as they can decline collagen as you get exposed to those harmful rays.

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