8 effective home remedies for dry eyes that actually work

Benefits of home remedies for dry eyes (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by noelle)
Benefits of home remedies for dry eyes (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by noelle)

There are many home remedies for dry eyes. You may have dry eyes if your eyes hurt and burn, appear red, or feel gritty, as if sand is lodged in them.

Dry eye illness occurs when your tears are insufficient in quantity or quality.

'Dry eye' disease happens when your tears aren't enough or don't do their job well. Constant discomfort is common with dry eyes, and this issue can mess with your vision. It’s also known as dry eye syndrome.

This problem can make life difficult. It can even get in the way of your job or hanging out with loved ones. There are several natural remedies and lifestyle adjustments that can help minimize dry eye symptoms and avoid the illness.

Listed below are some:

8 home remedies for dry eyes

1) Screen placement

To avoid further straining of your eyes, position your computer or TV screen at a level with your eyes and at a reasonable distance.

You may make these home treatments function even better if you create an eye-friendly environment in your home.

Importance of home remedies for dry eyes (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by format)
Importance of home remedies for dry eyes (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by format)

2) Use glasses

When going outside, use wraparound sunglasses, especially if it's windy, dusty, or there's a risk of UV exposure. It will protect your eyes and reduce the possibility of debris entering them.

Sunlight or dust can sometimes hurt the conjunctiva, the cover of the eyes. This ends up with red, annoyed eyes. Good sunglasses can help avoid this.

Benefits of home remedies for dry eyes (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by onr)
Benefits of home remedies for dry eyes (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by onr)

3) Maintain blood sugar levels

Low insulin levels in the circulatory system can cause decreased tear production, but excessive blood glucose levels can hurt specific areas of your eyes, particularly the lacrimal gland and corneal nerves. Tears require these nerves to adhere to the eye's outer surface.

Maintaining good sugar levels in the blood can aid in the prevention and management of illnesses such as diabetes, as well as the healthy production of tears and the prevention of dry eyes.

Importance of home remedies for dry eyes (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by photomix)
Importance of home remedies for dry eyes (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by photomix)

4) Blink more

It can help to blink your eyes regularly and take breaks when performing certain activities.

Take breaks, whether working on your computer, using your phone, or watching television. Taking frequent breaks will help the eyes regain moisture.

Benefits of home remedies for dry eyes (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Joao)
Benefits of home remedies for dry eyes (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Joao)

5) Drink water

Hydrating yourself throughout the day is one dry eye home treatment that will undoubtedly help. Drinking enough water keeps your eyes moist, making them less prone to dryness in the first place.

Drink more of it during the day, especially if you're susceptible to dry eyes, and make sure you're getting enough calories so your body doesn't transform surplus water into fat cells, which can create puffiness.

Importance of home remedies for dry eyes (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by pixabay)
Importance of home remedies for dry eyes (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by pixabay)

6) Washing your eyelids

If you're suffering from dry eyes, pay special attention to that area as you clean your face. Cleaning your eyelashes and surrounding them with a gentle soap or baby shampoo will help relieve inflammation.

Simply close the eyes and gently apply the cleaning to the affected region before rinsing with cool or warm water.

Importance of home remedies for dry eyes (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by pixabay)
Importance of home remedies for dry eyes (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by pixabay)

7) Take breaks

During extended jobs, take breaks to rest your eyes. If you've been working on a computer for an extended period of time, remember to take a break and look elsewhere than the screen.

For a couple of minutes, close your eyes, or try blinking 10 times gently and continuously for just a few seconds. This will aid in spreading your tears equally across your eyes.

8 home remedies for dry eyes (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Karolina)
8 home remedies for dry eyes (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Karolina)

8) Compresses

Applying a warm compress to your eyes may help relieve inflammation. A warm compress stimulates the tear ducts to begin generating tears. A cool compress, on the other hand, can relieve any inflammation or discomfort.

Repeat this process between two and three times every day. You can even wash your eyes with a gentle shampoo or baby shampoo. It will aid in the flow of oil from the tear glands.

Importance of home remedies for dry eyes (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by antoni)
Importance of home remedies for dry eyes (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by antoni)

Dry eyes generate a variety of unpleasant symptoms that might have an impact on how you perform at your job or during recreational activities.

Many at-home solutions can effectively treat minor dry eye symptoms. However, if your symptoms are severe, you may want more assistance.

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