8 Mouth watering and healthy snacks for kids

healthy snacks for kids (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by ella olsson)
Healthy snacks for kids (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by ella olsson)

There are many healthy snacks for kids that you can give your little ones. Sliding in healthy, nutritious food items in your kids' meals while they're in front of you is a big task; similarly, hoping your child will have boring looking veggies when they're away from school is an ambitious goal.

Good food is vital for kids' well-be­ing and growth. It helps set a path for their he­alth ahead.

It helps prevent or avoid obesity as well as dodge potential health issues like diabetes, blood pressure problems, and weak bones.

Hence, making sure you're packing healthy snacks for your kids when they're away in their own world is crucial.

Here's a look at the healthy snacks options for your kids:

Healthy snacks for kids

1) Mixed-berry yoghurt

This low-fat, low-calorie, high-protein frozen yoghurt delight is perfect for eating after a workout or as a quick dessert. It only takes three ingredients and two minutes to prepare.

In a food processor, combine the berries, yoghurt, or any other natural sweetener. Blend for 20 seconds, or until the mixture resembles smooth ice cream. Scoop into dishes and serve.

healthy snacks for kids (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by life of pix)
healthy snacks for kids (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by life of pix)

2) Omelette pizza

Omelette pizza combines your favorite pizza toppings, tasty sauce, protein-filled eggs, and cheese, all cooked to perfection in one pan.

Pack this cheeky snack for lunch or serve it to your kids at any time of the day. Feel free to make use of any vegetables you want. However, don't add excessively, as it will result in your eggs being too watery.

healthy snacks for kids (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by muffin)
healthy snacks for kids (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by muffin)

3) Whole wheat waffles

They are nutritious and whole, simple to prepare, crispy, fluffy, and absolutely basic, and they keep well in the freezer.

These waffles are additionally true workhorses in a household with children. Of course, they're an excellent Sunday morning, topped with juicy fruit and drizzled with pure maple syrup.

However, they taste just as good reheated in the microwave oven for a quick workday breakfast or as a novel take on lunchbox sandwiches.

healthy snacks for kids (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by briggitte)
healthy snacks for kids (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by briggitte)

4) Spring rolls

Rice paper wrappers, or even lettuce leaves, are ideal for producing wraps. Pack thinly sliced carrots, red peppers, avocado, rice, some protein, sprouts, or other favorite vegetables for your child to assemble.

Desserts can include cubed meat plus cheese, some berries, and a couple squares of chocolate.

healthy snacks for kids (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by natalie bond)
healthy snacks for kids (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by natalie bond)

5) Healthy muffins

While they aren't one-bowl applesauce muffins, the preparation is really simple, quick, and doesn't require a mixer. You can use ingredients of your choice, from oat flour to honey, to make it as close to a real muffin as possible.

With warm, cosy spices and a soft crumb, these mini muffins are a heartwarming embrace in a small package. Pour the mixture into the holes of a muffin pan.

healthy snacks for kids (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by lain de macia)
healthy snacks for kids (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by lain de macia)

6) Peanut butter apple sandwiches

These apple sandwiches may be transformed into cookies and will satisfy the kids. Add peanut butter (or your favorite nut butter), shredded coconut, and raisins.

Want it sweeter? You can include dark chocolate chips, which are packed with antioxidants and magnesium.

If your finicky eaters dislike apple slices, you can definitely substitute with rice cakes.

healthy snacks for kids (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by pixabay)
healthy snacks for kids (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by pixabay)

7) Egg frittatas

Quick, savory egg frittatas tend to be an excellent way to encourage your children to consume more protein.

Plus, they freeze well, so make a large batch of those green frittata muffins for a quick snack. These oven-baked frittatas are filled with pasta, peas, and ham, making them ideal for packed lunches.

healthy snacks for kids (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by jane doan)
healthy snacks for kids (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by jane doan)

8) Trail mix

If your child is not intolerant of nuts and seeds, this is an excellent nutritious snack option.

They provide fibre, protein, and fat—the energy trifecta! Add some dried fruit to the mixture for extra fun and a hint of all-natural sweetness.

healthy snacks for kids (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by frans)
healthy snacks for kids (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by frans)

Making your child's lunchboxes creatively and adding nutritiously rich food items can not only prove to be an excellent thing for their health but also put a smile on their face as they open their box.

Make sure you are thinking about all the ingredients that you're adding to the dish so that there are no side effects.

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