Biceps Workout at Home: Best Exercises to Get Stronger Biceps

Biceps workout at home is an effective way to train your arms. (Photo via Pexels/Andres Ayrton)
Biceps workout at home is an effective way to train the arms. (Photo via Pexels/Andres Ayrton)

Regular practice of biceps workout at home is the best way to train the arms and build stronger and more muscular biceps. Not only do biceps exercises help develop bigger arms but they also improve elbow flexion and make everyday tasks easier and more convenient.

The biceps are the muscles on the front side of the upper arms and are responsible for various movements, including flexion (bending of the arms) and supination (rotating the forearms). Moreover, these major muscles help with stabilization and other movements of the shoulders and arms too.

Here, we have listed some of the best biceps exercises you can do in the privacy of your home, with or without equipment.

Best biceps workout at home

Try the following biceps exercises in your next upper body workout session:

#1 Biceps curl

Biceps curls particularly target the biceps muscles. (Photo via Pexels/Julia Larson)
Biceps curls particularly target the biceps muscles. (Photo via Pexels/Julia Larson)

Biceps curls are one of the staple arm exercises that particularly target the bicep muscles and help increase their strength and size. To do this biceps workout at home, you can either use a pair of dumbbells or any other free weight depending on your fitness level.

To do a biceps curl:

  • Stand straight with your feet at shoulder-width distance, and hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Turn your arms to face forward, and bend your elbows to move the dumbbells towards your shoulders.
  • Lift both dumbbells up, and do not swing your arms. Lower the dumbbells till they reach the starting position. Complete a few reps.

#2 Diamond push-up

Diamond push-ups are one of the best but challenging bodyweight bicep exercises. While standard push-ups target the shoulders, chest, and abs, the diamond push-ups specifically target the biceps and help strengthen them.

To do this biceps workout at home:

  • Take a standard push-up position with your back flat and parallel to the floor.
  • Position your hands together in the front with your arms straight, and rotate your hands inward at a 45-degree angle. Extend your thumbs, and point your fingers so that they look like a diamond shape.
  • Engage your core muscles, and lower yourself till the chest nearly touches the floor.
  • Hold the position, and push yourself back up to the starting position. Repeat the exercise.

#3 Hammer curl

Hammer curls target the biceps and brachialis. (Photo via Pexels/Andres Ayrton)
Hammer curls target the biceps and brachialis. (Photo via Pexels/Andres Ayrton)

You can do this biceps workout at home with dumbbells easily - all you have to do is change your grip position on the dumbbell. This unique position of hammer curls not only target the biceps but also work the brachialis.

To do this biceps workout at home:

  • Stand straight with your feet at a shoulder-width distance.
  • Grab a dumbbell in each hand, and place them by your sides. Keep your palms facing in towards one another.
  • Bend your left elbow to lift the dumbbell towards your shoulder. Ensure that the dumbbell is in a vertical position. Do not swing your arms throughout the exercise.
  • After lifting the dumbbell, squeeze your biceps at the top, and slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise for a few reps, and switch sides to continue.

#4 Decline push-up

One of the best biceps workouts without weights, this variation of push-up builds strength in the biceps and also strengthens the chest muscles. During this exercise, the upper pecs and shoulders get targeted.

To do this biceps workout at home:

  • Take a standard push-up position, but keep your feet on an incline platform like a step or bench. Position your arms on the floor straight in front of you.
  • Push yourself up as you would do in a standard push-up, and lower down towards the floor.
  • Repeat the exercise for a few reps.

#5 Plank shoulder tap

Plank taps target the entire body. (Photo via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)
Plank taps target the entire body. (Photo via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)

This biceps workout targets the full body, especially the core, upper and lower back, shoulders, biceps, and legs.

To do this biceps workout at home:

  • Start in a regular plank position with the back straight, arms in the front, and legs extended behind.
  • Place your feet at a hip-width distance, and engage the core muscles throughout the exercise.
  • Lift your left hand off the floor, and touch your right shoulder. Return your hand to the floor. Immediately, lift your right hand off the floor, and touch your left shoulder.
  • Continue this movement for a few seconds, and complete a few sets.

If you're seriously looking to develop stronger and bigger arms, try the aforementioned biceps workout at home and see how they work for you. You can practice these exercises individually or as a sequence to get a killer arm workout session. Remember to take your time and perfect your posture and form, though.

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