Build your pecs with standing cable fly: A strengthening exercise for bigger and stronger chest      

The standing cable fly is an excellent chest exercise. (Photo via Instagram/modusx_official)
The standing cable fly is an excellent chest exercise. (Photo via Instagram/modusx_official)

If you want to build a stronger and more muscular chest, consider adding the standing cable fly exercise to your chest workout routine.

The standing cable chest fly is a variation of the standard chest fly exercise that can strengthen the pectorals and several other muscles of the body, including the shoulders and triceps. It is considered one of the best exercises to add variety to chest workouts and upgrade your chest training.

The standing fly workout can be included in your regular chest workouts, upper body workouts, push workouts, or full-body workout routines.

How to perform the standing cable fly?

It is a moderate-level exercise. (Photo via Instagram/_joeandrews)
It is a moderate-level exercise. (Photo via Instagram/_joeandrews)

The standing cable pulley fly is a moderate-level chest exercise, and thus should not be attempted if you are an absolute beginner to strength training. Follow the instructions provided below to perform the exercise safely and correctly:

Step 1: Start by setting each pulley on a cable machine at your elbow height. Stand straight in the center of the machine and then hold each handle in both hands.

Step 2: Now take a few steps forward until you feel the cables are slightly pulling you back. Engage your core muscles. Place one foot forward and the other back, and make sure your body is stable.

Step 3: Press the pulleys straight in front of your chest with your arms slightly forward. Join your hands and bend through your elbows.

Step 4: Slowly extend your arms horizontally to the sides until your upper arms get at about 30 degrees away from your upper body.

Step 5: Press against the pulley machine and move the handles together. To deepen the muscle activation, cross one hand over the other.

Step 6: Pause at the start to feel a stretch in your chest and then immediately go for the next rep.

Repeat the exercise as many times as you can and gradually increase the weight to challenge your muscles even more.

Important standing cable fly tips

Here are a few tips to make this exercise easier:

  • When doing the movement, do not squeeze the cables excessively tight. This can over-engage the biceps and forearms and reduce the activation of the chest.
  • Always keep a bend in your elbows and do not lower the weight to the point where your muscles start to pain or your shoulders get strained.
  • Make sure to maintain tension in your midsection and never arch your lower back as it can strain your muscles.
Make sure to maintain tension in your midsection. (Photo via Instagram/georgebamfojr)
Make sure to maintain tension in your midsection. (Photo via Instagram/georgebamfojr)

Benefits of standing cable fly

Regular practice of standing cable fly can offer several benefits. From developing bigger chest muscles to stabilizing the core, here are a few advantages of practicing this exercise:

Bigger and muscular chest

The standing cable fly is one of the most effective strength training movements that target the pectoral muscles. It is an amazing isolation exercise that can help you in building both a bigger and more muscular chest.

Strengthens the core

Another great benefit of adding the standing cable fly to your workout routine is its ability to strengthen the core muscles. Performing this standing exercise can activate your abs and stabilize your spine muscles as well.

Other reasons why the standing cable fly is an effective chest exercise are:

  • It puts less stress on the joints compared to other fly variations.
  • This exercise offers constant tension of the chest muscles.
  • The movement involved stabilizes the core muscles and also improves posture.
  • Depending on the cable position, this exercise can target the middle, lower, and upper areas of your chest.
The cable fly stabilizes the core muscles. (Photo via Freepik/fxquadro)
The cable fly stabilizes the core muscles. (Photo via Freepik/fxquadro)

Overall, the standing cable fly is a fantastic exercise that can help you achieve a robust upper body. However, to attain the benefits, it is important that you follow the aforementioned steps correctly and focus on your form.

Also, always start slow and use weights and reps that feel comfortable and not painful.

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