8 Daily Use Products That Severely Lower Testosterone in Men

Plastics are a leading cause of lower testosterone in men (Image via Pexels @Mali Maeder)
Plastics are a leading cause of lower testosterone in men (Image via Pexels @Mali Maeder)

Believe it or not, in today's world, we are surrounded by products and even foods that lower testosterone in men. Testosterone is an important s*x hormone that has positive effects on physical and mental well-being and is important for reproduction.

Maintaining healthy testosterone levels is linked to muscle gain, improved s*xual performance, and increased strength. At the same time, alterations in testosterone levels have also been linked to an array of medical issues, such as being overweight or obese, developing diabetes or metabolic syndrome, or having heart problems.

Many factors in our daily lives that have become normalized over the years are now being shown to reduce testosterone levels in men. Read on to find out more.


Alcohol, Flaxseeds, And 6 Other Products That Severely Lower Testosterone in Men

Check out the following daily-use products and foods that severely lower testosterone levels in men. Read this article to find out if leg training increases testosterone production.

1) Plastic Water Bottles


Did you know that soft and hard plastic water bottles may lower testosterone in men? Soft water bottles contain phthalates, a chemical that is necessary for the plastic's structure. Hard water bottles contain bisphenols (commonly, or else they may contain substituted bisphenols, which are just as bad), and these chemicals have been shown to be responsible for significantly lowering testosterone in men.

Phthalates may also be present in cosmetic, skin, and haircare product bottles, making them quite omnipresent in our daily lives. They are a leading cause of low testosterone levels in men, among others.

2) Pesticides

Pesticides have been shown to bring sperm count down to zero (Image via Pexels @Laura Arias)
Pesticides have been shown to bring sperm count down to zero (Image via Pexels @Laura Arias)

Nowadays, almost no food is grown without the use of pesticides. Pesticides are nasty chemicals that will not only kill pests but also be absorbed in part by the plant itself. When you bring these plants (fruits, vegetables, and more) home and eat them, negligible amounts of pesticides will be transferred into your body.

Negligible amounts may not seem very harmful, except for the fact that pesticides can undergo bio-accumulation, i.e., they can accumulate in your body over time. Pesticides are known to significantly lower testosterone in men and even bring the sperm count down to zero in adult men.

If the man is able to omit the pesticides, then his sperm count will recover. However, if pregnant women are exposed to pesticides, then their unborn son's testosterone levels will be affected, and they will most likely not recover.

3) Processed Foods

Processed foods significantly lower testosterone levels in men (Image via Pexels @Polina Tankilevitch)
Processed foods significantly lower testosterone levels in men (Image via Pexels @Polina Tankilevitch)

Convenience meals, frozen foods, and prepackaged snacks are common examples of processed foods that are high in trans fats, in addition to other negative health indicators.

Regular consumption of processed foods (containing trans fats) has been linked to lower testosterone in men. In animal studies, trans fats have been shown to lower testosterone levels and even impair reproductive performance.

4) Alcohol

Alcohol is another culprit in reduced testosterone levels (Image via Pexels @Chris f)
Alcohol is another culprit in reduced testosterone levels (Image via Pexels @Chris f)

Drinking wine with dinner occasionally has been linked to health benefits, but studies show that men's testosterone levels can drop significantly if they drink too much.

According to one study, alcohol intoxication has been linked to higher levels of testosterone in women and lower levels in men. There have been contradictory findings from studies on humans and animals alike, with some studies suggesting that alcoholic beverages may increase testosterone levels. More research is required to determine how different doses of alcohol affect testosterone levels in the general population.

5) Vegetable Oils


Canola, soybean, corn, and cottonseed oils are just a few of the most popular vegetable oils that are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Consumption of polyunsaturated fats has been linked to significantly lower testosterone in men.

Recent studies are scant, and those that do exist tend to be observational and small in scale. There needs to be more rigorous research done on the topic of vegetable oils and their impact on testosterone levels in the general population.

6) Licorice Root


You may have tasted candies or drinks sweetened with licorice root. It is also widely used in holistic medicine for a wide variety of conditions, from persistent pain to coughing.

Several studies in the last few years have shown that licorice may also affect hormone levels, possibly causing lower testosterone in men. It's important to note that this only refers to licorice root, not licorice candy, which typically doesn't include any licorice root.

7) Soy and Soy-Based Products

Soy and soy based products increase the amount of estrogen in the body, causing lower testosterone in men (Image via Pexels @Polina Tankilevitch)
Soy and soy based products increase the amount of estrogen in the body, causing lower testosterone in men (Image via Pexels @Polina Tankilevitch)

Eating soy products like edamame, tofu, soy milk, and miso on a regular basis may lower testosterone in men, according to some research. Phytoestrogens, found in abundance in soy products, can alter hormone levels and, in some men, reduce testosterone by acting similarly to estrogen.

Soy products as a whole may affect human testosterone levels, but more research is needed to confirm this.

8) Flaxseeds


The flaxseeds you eat will provide you with heart-healthy fats, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals. In addition, there's evidence suggesting it could lower testosterone in men.

This is due to the high concentration of lignans in flaxseed, which are plant compounds that bind to testosterone and cause it to be excreted from your body.

The omega-3 fatty acids found in abundance in flaxseed may also contribute to a reduction in testosterone. There needs to be more extensive research done to fully assess flaxseed's impact on testosterone levels, though.

Removing these testosterone-reducing foods from your diet and replacing them with healthy, whole food alternatives can help you maintain healthy testosterone levels and improve your health in general. Read this article on do onions increase testosterone for more knowledge about testosterone.

Other important things you can do to naturally increase your testosterone are to maintain a healthy lifestyle, get enough sleep, and schedule regular exercise.

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