Does sleeping with background noise help you fall asleep?

Sleeping with background noise can be very helpful (Image via Unsplash/ Lucas Andrade)
Sleeping with background noise can be very helpful. (Image via Unsplash/Lucas Andrade)

Are you into listening to music or watching TV before going to bed? If you are, sleeping with background noise is your thing.

Many studies have shown that people who listen to music or white noise while sleeping tend to get better sleep and wake up feeling more refreshed compared to those who don't use any background noise at night.

The precise reasons behind sleeping with background noise are not yet fully understood. However, it could be either that background noise helps us fall asleep quicker or helps us stay asleep for longer once we doze off.

Sleeping with background noise - How does it help?

Makes you less tired and might calm your brain down (Image via Unsplash/Sunita Leunen)
Makes you less tired and might calm your brain down (Image via Unsplash/Sunita Leunen)

If you're like most people, the sound of your own breathing can be enough to keep you awake at night. However, if you're looking for a way to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, background noise might be the answer.

The best kind of background noise is white noise, sounds that are constant and consistent without any peaks or valleys in volume or frequency. That's because the brain finds it easier to block out sudden changes in sound than they do constant ones.

So if there's no variation in volume or pitch between each new note coming out of your speaker (or whatever else), those notes become part of an overall pattern that helps lull us into dreamland faster than silence would allow.

Having background noise while sleeping can be helpful

Reduces stress and anxiety (Image via Unsplash/Krista Manulsone)
Reduces stress and anxiety (Image via Unsplash/Krista Manulsone)

It can mask other sounds and reduce stress and anxiety. It may even help treat tinnitus and alleviate depression. The most obvious advantage is blocking out any unwanted noises that would keep you awake at night.

For instance, if the sound of a barking dog or noisy street traffic disturbs your sleep, playing white noise in the background could make a significant difference in getting a good night's rest without tossing and turning all night long.

Another benefit is that having consistent sounds playing as part of your bedtime routine can reduce stress level throughout the day. This reduction in daily stressors makes falling asleep faster once it's time for bed (and staying asleep longer) possible without relying on medications like melatonin supplements, which often have side effects like drowsiness during daytime hours.

Sleeping with background noise - Different ways to try

Sleeping with background noise reduces bedtime fatigue. (Image via Unsplash/Billy H)
Sleeping with background noise reduces bedtime fatigue. (Image via Unsplash/Billy H)

If you're a fan of white noise, try adding some water sounds to your routine. The sound of rushing water can be very relaxing and help you fall asleep faster.

If you like listening to the hum of a fan as you drift off, try using nature sounds instead. There are many apps available that allow users to choose from different types of natural sounds like rainforest ambience or even the sound of waves crashing against rocks on a beach.

If music helps soothe your nerves before bedtime, try finding some calming tunes on Spotify or Apple Music (or any other streaming service). You might find that listening to classical music helps relax both mind and body before drifting off into dreamland.

How much noise is too much?

Sleeping with background noise (Image via Unsplash/Andalusia Andaluia)
Sleeping with background noise (Image via Unsplash/Andalusia Andaluia)

When it comes to sleeping with background noise, it's important to know how much sound is too much. You want to be able to get a good night's rest without having your sleep disturbed by loud noises.

If you're looking for a little help falling asleep, sleeping with background noise can be a great option, but how much noise is too much, and how do I make my own white noise machine? These are all valid questions.

The answer depends on your personal preference, but it's recommended to use a sound machine with adjustable volume settings so that you can find the right volume for yourself.

Unfortunately, there are still unanswered questions when it comes to the relationship between noise and sleep. It's possible that the answers will become clearer with more research in the near future.

Nevertheless, if you are having trouble sleeping, you might want to consider trying white noise at night. Supposedly it can help many people get a better night's rest.

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