Fasting Diets: Are They Safe and Effective?

Fasting diets (Image via Pexels/Shameel Mukkath)
Fasting diets (Image via Pexels/Shameel Mukkath)

Fasting diets are a popular way to lose weight quickly and detoxify the body. There are different types of diets that vary in their concepts. For instance, some fasting diets only allow you to consume liquids, while others strictly restrict your calorie consumption throughout the day.

In this article, we will assess the effectiveness of fasting diets along with the quickest ways to help you lose weight. In this article, we will provide you with a greater understanding of the foods that can help you with weight loss.

Fastest Weight Loss Diets

Diet rich in protein and fiber (Image via Pexels/Loren Castillo)
Diet rich in protein and fiber (Image via Pexels/Loren Castillo)

Here's a few:

1) Keto Diet

This diet is very low in carbs and high in fat, providing you with several health benefits. The Keto diet requires you to eat foods such as low carb vegetables, unprocessed cheese, fatty fish, meat, nuts, seeds, and more.

2) Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet is also similar to the keto diet, which requires you to avoid foods that are high in carbs as well as opt for foods rich in fat and protein.

Quickest Way to Lose Weight

For sustainable weight loss, you need to opt for measures that will be beneficial in the long run rather than relying on a fad diet. Some of them are:

1) Balanced Diet

A balanced diet along with conscious eating is important for weight loss. Fill your meals with fiber and protein, which will not only help in improving digestive health but also keep you satiated for long. You should also practice mindful eating with measures such as chewing food slowly and avoiding distractions while eating.

2) Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is crucial if you want to lose weight in a sustainable manner. Aerobic exercise can help in burning a decent amount of calories, while weight training exercises can help you get a toned body, boost metabolism, and improve muscle symmetry.

3) Cutting on Refined Carbohydrates and Sugar

Diets nowadays tend to be increasingly dependent on high added sugars and processed foods. They're high in calories and do not provide the body with the required nutrition.

These foods are quickly converted to glucose and promote fat storage, leading to weight gain, so you should restrict such foods in your diet.

Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Fruits for weight loss (Image via Pexels/Jane Doan)
Fruits for weight loss (Image via Pexels/Jane Doan)

Here are some foods that can aid you in your weight loss journey:

Vegetables can be beneficial for weight loss. Cruciferous vegetables can help in boosting digestive health, while crunchy vegetables such as jicama can be a great snacking option, as they're low in calories.

Lean proteins such as chicken and turkey can keep you satiated for a longer period along with managing your blood sugar and reducing cravings.

Nuts and seeds are a good source of healthy fat, fiber, and protein, which not only help in decreasing hunger but also keep unnecessary snacking at bay.

Effectiveness of Fasting Diets

If you opt for fasting diets to lose weight, it's recommended that you consider more sustainable methods for weight loss. That's because when you eat less food for weight loss, the body goes into starvation mode to save energy, which slows down metabolism, reducing the amount of calories burned.

Also, weight loss in your body while fasting is more than often unsustainable. After fasting diets, when you go back to your usual diet, you will start regaining more weight than before.

That's because during the fasting period, the body adjusts accordingly by curbing appetite, making you feel less hungry in the beginning. However, the moment you stop fasting diets, your appetite will come back again, and you will more than likely overeat.

Green juices for health (Image via Pexels/Toni Cuenca)
Green juices for health (Image via Pexels/Toni Cuenca)

Fasting diets will not hurt healthy people for a few days as long, as they stay hydrated. The body needs different types of nutrition to stay fit and healthy, and if you do not provide it with the same, you're likely to face symptoms such as dehydration, fatigue, constipation, and dizziness.

However, it's advised that certain people should steer clear of fasting diets, including pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children, the elderly, people with chronic diseases, and people with eating disorders. You should also consult a registered dietician or doctor before going on any such diet, as they might be able to draw you a healthy eating plan.

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