Here are the 10 best foods for morning sickness

Morning sickness is common in pregnant women (Image by Engin Akyurt/Unsplash)
Morning sickness is common in pregnant women (Image by Engin Akyurt/Unsplash)

Morning sickness is very common in pregnant women, and the best foods for morning sickness help fight it and treat it right. Almost 7 in every 10 pregnant women experience morning sickness. This happens mainly due to changing hormones, blood pressure, and metabolism during pregnancy. Therefore, first and foremost, it is important to stay hydrated.

Despite the condition being called morning sickness, it can happen at any time during the day. Morning sickness can cause problems like nausea and vomiting. Eating a high-carb diet, with a good amount of protein can eliminate morning sickness.

Further, eating a few nuts, or something light and healthy in the morning can also help. However, if the morning sickness is severe, then it has to be treated with medicines.

Exploring the 10 best foods for morning sickness

If you are suffering from morning sickness, then here are the 10 best foods for morning sickness that can help you eliminate this condition.

1. Cold beverages

A smoothie can be a good drink to start the day (Image by Denis Tuksar/Unsplash)
A smoothie can be a good drink to start the day (Image by Denis Tuksar/Unsplash)

In the list of best foods for morning sickness, this remedy comes at the top. Cold beverages usually do not have a strong smell and are easier and tastier than many hot beverages, which can trigger morning sickness in pregnant women. Having a smoothie, chilled fruits, or a cold milkshake can therefore be an option.

2. Ginger

Ginger tea can cure nausea and morning sickness (Image by Julia Topp/Unsplash)
Ginger tea can cure nausea and morning sickness (Image by Julia Topp/Unsplash)

Ginger in the form of an ale or tea, can be a remedy for morning sickness, as it helps fight nausea, which is caused by morning sickness. Consuming ginger is easy, and there are many ginger options to choose from. However, ginger should be consumed in small quantities.

3. Peppermint

Peppermint is an old remedy against morning sickness (Image by Samer Khodeir/Unsplash)
Peppermint is an old remedy against morning sickness (Image by Samer Khodeir/Unsplash)

Peppermint in the form of candies is the most common way of consuming this product, alongside including it in a non-alcoholic mojito. For years, peppermint has helped to fight morning sickness and is considered an age-old cure. However, like ginger, peppermint should also be taken in moderation.

4. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C (Image by Brooke Lark/Unsplash)
Citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C (Image by Brooke Lark/Unsplash)

Citrus fruits belong to the list of the best foods for morning sickness. These fruits are rich in vitamin C. Citric acid present in these fruits can help digestion and cure nausea. Lemon juice, grape juice, or a lemon slice can help fight morning sickness. Therefore, if you are looking to fight morning sickness, then add these fruits to your list of foods.

5. High protein foods

Beef is a good source of protein and battles morning sickness (Image by Madie Hamilton/Unsplash)
Beef is a good source of protein and battles morning sickness (Image by Madie Hamilton/Unsplash)

The best foods for morning sickness are high-protein foods like chicken, eggs, and beef. These can help fight nausea and morning sickness. Having a lot of protein can increase a hormone called gastrin, which can eliminate morning sickness. However, you can also eat plant-based protein if you are a vegan or do not consume non-veg.

6. Broth

Broths can cure morning sickness (Image by Stacey Doyle/Unsplash)
Broths can cure morning sickness (Image by Stacey Doyle/Unsplash)

Broths come under the best foods for morning sickness. A broth is a good way to get rid of dehydration. They also help relieve nausea, especially chicken broth, which is the most commonly consumed broth. The broth is also rich in protein and as we already know, protein helps fight morning sickness.

7. Herbal teas

Herbal teas can keep morning sickness away (Image by Lisa Hobbs/Unsplash)
Herbal teas can keep morning sickness away (Image by Lisa Hobbs/Unsplash)

Herbal teas are safe to consume during pregnancy. Adding lime or ginger to the tea can help get rid of nausea and also treat cough and cold. Drinking enough fluids during pregnancy can hydrate the body and is also good for digestion and the gut. Herbal teas keep morning sickness away.

8. Watermelon

Watermelon is a good fruit to combat morning sickness (Image by Rodion Kutsaiev/Unsplash)
Watermelon is a good fruit to combat morning sickness (Image by Rodion Kutsaiev/Unsplash)

Watermelon is one of the best foods for morning sickness, which has anti-inflammatory properties. The water in this fruit hydrates the body and the antioxidants in the fruit provide the body with protection against diseases.

These antioxidants also protect the body from cancer. Watermelon is a low-carb fruit with many benefits, one of which is protection against morning sickness. It should be consumed cold for a better taste and an overall experience of eating the fruit.

9. Carbonated beverages

Carbonated beverages can be a good choice to fight morning sickness, but should be consmued in a limit (Image by Sidral Mundet)
Carbonated beverages can be a good choice to fight morning sickness, but should be consmued in a limit (Image by Sidral Mundet)

Carbonated beverages can reduce stomach acidity. These drinks are easy to get and can cause the feeling of fullness. Reducing stomach acidity, it gets rid of morning sickness. However, these have soda in them and a lot of sugar and food coloring. Therefore, these drinks should be consumed in moderation and not daily.

10. Crackers

Start your day with crackers and keep morning sickness away(Image by Romina BM/Unsplash)
Start your day with crackers and keep morning sickness away(Image by Romina BM/Unsplash)

Crackers come under the category of plain and dry food. Eating a few can help the stomach in the morning. Crackers can be used as a snack or bedside food. They are usually low in fat and have a good amount of carbs, and eating a few crackers early in the day can help get rid of morning sickness.

If you are feeling sick or vomiting multiple times a day during your pregnancy and cannot eat anything without throwing up, consider going to a doctor. Pregnancy is a special time, although several complications can come up. Morning sickness is one of them and therefore has to be dealt with care.

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