Here's the secret to Emily Ratajkowski's supermodel body

Emily Ratajkowski (Image via Getty Images)
Emily Ratajkowski (Image via Getty Images)

Emily Ratajkowski's stunning supermodel body has attracted the eyes of millions around the world. Turns out that simply following a healthy diet and regular exercise with the proper mindset can get you the desired body you want. But in this case, Emily's diet takes most of the credit.

The American model follows an intuitive diet where she controls the intake of nutrients for the proper functioning of the body and well-being. She mentioned not having any trainer who would guide her in her meal prep and workouts. Emily chose to walk on the path herself as she figured out what was best for her.

Her diet consists of all the essential macro and micronutrients divided into proper channels of caloric intake. The amount of carbohydrates is directly proportional to the intensity of the workout of the day. The protein intake stays high as she has to maintain to look like that the whole year to be ready for contracts.

Emily Ratajkowski's diet

Emily Ratajkowski (Image via Getty Images)
Emily Ratajkowski (Image via Getty Images)


Option 1: Pastries with coffee - Occasionally, Emily starts her day with a delicious pastry paired with a cup of coffee. This provides a flavorful and enjoyable morning treat.

Option 2: Yogurt and granola - On other days, she may opt for a healthier choice like yogurt with granola. This combination offers protein, probiotics, and fiber to kickstart her day.

Coffee: A morning coffee is a common part of her routine, providing a caffeine boost and potentially some antioxidants.


Option 1: Salads - Emily often chooses salads for lunch. These may include a mix of fresh vegetables, leafy greens, lean proteins, and a flavorful dressing for a satisfying and nutritious meal.

Emily Ratajkowski (Image via Getty Images)
Emily Ratajkowski (Image via Getty Images)

Option 2: Sandwiches - Another lunch option is sandwiches, which can be customized with lean meats, whole-grain bread, and plenty of veggies.

Option 3: Catering on Set - Given her career, she sometimes has catering on set. This allows her to have a variety of options that cater to her dietary preferences and requirements.

Vegetable juices: Occasionally, she may have vegetable juices with her lunch, providing an additional source of vitamins and minerals.


Emily Ratajkowski (Image via Getty Images)
Emily Ratajkowski (Image via Getty Images)

Dining out: Emily loves to enjoy dinners out, often choosing Italian cuisine or sushi when she's aiming to make healthier choices. Dining out allows her to experience a variety of flavors and cuisines.

Balance: She focuses on balance during dinner, selecting options that align with her overall approach to intuitive eating and mindful choices.

Occasional treats: Similar to her approach to breakfast and lunch, she believes in the occasional indulgence during dinner, allowing herself to enjoy treats while maintaining a sensible overall diet.

Emily Ratajkowski's workout

Emily Ratajkowski (Image via Getty Images)
Emily Ratajkowski (Image via Getty Images)

Embracing the outdoors: Hiking is a cornerstone of Emily Ratajkowski's fitness routine. This outdoor activity not only offers cardiovascular benefits but also allows her to connect with nature and escape the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Walking, another integral part of her regimen is a low-impact yet effective form of exercise. Its consistent practice contributes to weight management, particularly in slimming legs, and promotes overall fitness.

Yoga: Yoga finds a significant place in Ratajkowski's routine, providing a myriad of advantages. This ancient practice enhances flexibility, aids relaxation, reduces stress, and offers muscle relief.

By incorporating yoga, she places emphasis on holistic well-being, addressing both the physical and mental aspects of health.

Emily Ratajkowski (Image via Getty Images)
Emily Ratajkowski (Image via Getty Images)

A balanced approach: Emily has always been a fan of yoga, and she never stops recommending it to others. Her focus on a balanced lifestyle and her commitment to consistency speaks volumes about her dedication.

Enjoyment and mindfulness: Ratajkowski's approach to fitness centers on enjoyment and mindfulness. By integrating activities she finds pleasurable, such as hiking and dancing in Zumba classes, she sets an example of how to make exercise a gratifying part of one's lifestyle.

Her mindfulness, both in terms of physical and mental health, underscores the importance of feeling good about one's body and fostering overall well-being.

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