How to Start Working Out and Stick With a Plan When You Have No Idea What You’re Doing

Perhaps you
Starting a new training regime can be daunting. (Photo via Unsplash/Anastase Maragos)

Perhaps you've been working out your entire life and are looking for a new challenge, or you're just starting out with exercise and don't know where to begin.

Starting a new training regime is something we all have to deal with it from time to time. If you have worked out before but had to stop for any reason, you can start whenever you want to. Here are some tips on how to start working out again.

How to start exercising again

  • Prepare yourself for the exercises
  • Slowly start a new programme
  • Don't forget to rest
  • Have the right equipment
  • Have plenty of rest

How to start working out at gym

Set your goals right. (Photo via Unsplash/Risen Wang)
Set your goals right. (Photo via Unsplash/Risen Wang)

Here're a few tips:

#1 Determine what you wish to excel at

The more precise you seem to be about what you wish to excel at, the easier it will be to train for success.

Make a decision if you're unsure how to begin working out. It also does not have to be the best decision. Simply choose something you want to improve at, and begin working in that direction.

#2 Choose workouts you are good at

Look for activities that are enjoyable and pleasurable but also activities in which you're are confident in or would like to improve your skills.

That doesn't mean the activity should be simple for you. Unless it's a rest day, every workout should challenge you in aspects of resilience or muscle building. However, there's no reason to struggle with a dance class if you despise memorizing the moves.

If you excelled in sports as a child, joining an adult basketball or soccer league can be a huge boost of confidence (as well as deliver all the health and fitness benefits of a workout). If you've always wanted to learn a physical skill, such as self-defense, you can do that too.

#3 Divide your workout into shorter bursts

Do you skip your exercise because you don't have time to complete the entire routine?

Divide your physical activity into ten-minute increments throughout the day. Taking shorter strolls throughout the day rather than one long walk lasting between 30 minutes and an hour has been shown to provide similar benefits.

Gym workout plan for beginners

Start working out easily. (Photo via Unsplash/Jelmer Assink)
Start working out easily. (Photo via Unsplash/Jelmer Assink)

First, you would like to start working out easily. This really is true for the first three to four weeks. Your sole goal should be to stick to a schedule and increase your ability to perform the workout. Performance is unimportant.

However, that appears to be the total opposite of what most people do. The typical approach would be to transition from sitting on the couch to doing six days a week. It's no surprise that most individuals give up after a week with a switch like that.

Proceed as follows for the best results:

1) Cardio Exercises for 5 Minutes

A 5-minute fast-paced incline treadmill walk will raise your heart rate and mobilize the joints. You can simply select the 'Quick Start' option.

2) Resistance Workout

Select a weight that you can be comfortable with working out with for ten reps. The last few reps should be extremely difficult. Perform three sets of ten reps for each of the following exercises, with a 60-second rest between each set.

  • Lunges with dumbbells
  • Leg extension
  • Shoulder press with dumbbells
  • Pull-ups on the latissimus dorsi
  • TRX planks with cable chest flies (three sets of 30 seconds)
  • Circuit cardio HIIT

3) HIIT Cardio Workout

HIIT training (Photo via Unsplash/Chander R)
HIIT training (Photo via Unsplash/Chander R)

A HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) circuit is all about contrasting training intervals, which consist of brief but powerful bursts of exercise while working out (where you give maximum effort).

A word from Sportskeeda

Working out and starting a new routine can be challenging, but with a little bit of planning and consistency, you can make it a regular part of your life.

Remember to set realistic goals. Create a schedule. Start small. Find an activity you enjoy. Get the right gear. Find a workout buddy. Track your progress. Rest well. Be consistent, and don't be too hard on yourself.

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