How to Get Started with a Swimming Workout

Swimming workouts can be customized (Photo by Guduru Ajay bhargav/ Pexels)
Swimming workouts can be customized. (Photo via Pexels/Guduru Ajay Bhargav)

Swimming workouts are versatile exercises that offer numerous ways to train in the water.

You can customize your swim workouts to meet your specific goals and preferences, be it long-distance endurance session with frequent intervals or a high-intensity sprint-focused workout with longer rest periods.

How to get started with a swimming workout

Here are a few tips:

#1 Find a suitable pool

The first step to getting started with a swimming workout is finding a suitable pool to swim in.

Look for a pool that's clean, well-maintained, and has a temperature that's comfortable for you. Many public pools offer lap swim hours and may also have swim lessons or aquatic fitness classes available.

#2 Get the right gear

To get the most out of your swimming workout, it's important to have the right gear. That includes a well-fitting swimsuit, goggles, and a swim cap if you have long hair. Depending on the temperature of the pool, you may also want to consider a wetsuit or a swim shirt for added warmth.


Before you start your swimming workout, it's important to warm up the muscles. You can do that by swimming a few easy laps or by doing some dynamic stretches on the pool deck. Focus on stretching the shoulders, neck, back, and legs to prepare your body for the workout ahead.

Swimming Workouts for beginners

If you're a beginner to swimming workouts, it's important to start slowly and gradually build up your strength while swimming as well as endurance in the pool.

Here is a beginner swim workout that you can follow to get started:


  • 5 minutes of easy swimming, focusing on your breathing and form.

Main set:

  • 4 x 50m freestyle (1 lap), resting for 15-20 seconds between each lap.
  • 4 x 25m kick (using a kickboard or holding onto the wall), resting for 10-15 seconds between each lap.
  • 4 x 50m pull (using a pull buoy and focusing on your upper body), resting for 15-20 seconds between each lap.
  • 4 x 25m freestyle or backstroke, resting for 10-15 seconds between each lap.


  • 5 minutes of easy swimming, gradually slowing down and focusing on your breathing.

Remember to listen to your body, and take breaks as needed. As you progress, you can increase the distance and intensity of your swim workouts. Don't forget to stretch after your workout to prevent muscle soreness and injury.

Types of swim workouts for weight loss

Don't forget to take adequate rest (Photo via Pexels/Pixabay)
Don't forget to take adequate rest (Photo via Pexels/Pixabay)

There are several types of swim workouts for weight loss. Here are some examples:

Interval Training: Interval training is a popular type of swimming workout for weight loss.

It involves alternating between high intensity swims and rest periods, which helps to burn more calories and increase metabolism. For example, you can swim 50 meters at a moderate pace, followed by a 25-meter sprint, then rest for 20-30 seconds before repeating the set.

Endurance Training: Endurance training involves swimming for longer distances at a steady pace, which helps build endurance and burn calories. For example, you can swim 500 meters at a moderate pace without stopping, or swim 1000 meters broken up into 200-meter sets with short rest periods in between.

High Intensity Interval Training: HIIT is a popular workout style that involves short bursts of intense activity followed by rest periods. In swimming workouts, that can be achieved by swimming a certain distance or number of laps as fast as possible, then taking a rest period before repeating the set.

Circuit Training: Circuit training involves a combination of different exercises and activities, which can help keep the body guessing and burn more calories.

In swimming, you can do a circuit workout by swimming a set distance. Get out of the pool to do some bodyweight exercises like squats or lunges, before getting back into the pool to swim another set.

Kicking Workouts: Kicking workouts involve using a kickboard or doing kicking drills to focus on building leg strength and burning calories. For example, you can kick with a kickboard for 25-50 meters at a time, and rest for a short period before repeating the set.

Kickboards provide benefits in kicking swimming workouts(Photo via Pexels/Nork Photography)
Kickboards provide benefits in kicking swimming workouts(Photo via Pexels/Nork Photography)

Swimming is an excellent exercise for weight loss due to its ability to burn calories, build muscle, and be low-impact on the joints.

It's important to find a workout style that works for you. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts to continue challenging your body and achieve your weight loss goals.

Additionally, it's essential to maintain a balanced diet and get enough rest and sleep to support your overall health and well-being. With consistent effort and dedication, swimming can be a highly effective way to reach your weight loss goals while improving your overall fitness and health.

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