Ideal Hair Care Routine for Strong and Shiny Hair

Taking care of your hair can be incredibly stressful, given the number of haircare products out there (Image via Pexels @Bennie Lukas Bester)
Taking care of hair can be incredibly stressful, given the number of haircare products available. (Image via Pexels/Bennie Lukas Bester)

Settling on the best hair care routine can be difficult. That's why we've compiled this guide to basic hair care procedures so that you can nuture and nourish your lustrous locks.

Paying attention to your hair's wants and needs is as essential as a skin care routine. Your hair will be healthy and free of infection and other conditions if you stick to a hair care routine that works for your particular hair type. It's only natural to have to put some effort into your hair, as there're many contributing factors to its health, shine, and strength.

Below we will discuss some basic steps that should be followed in a generic hair care routine. However, your own routine should be personalized to your hair type, whether it's oily, dry or combination. If you're confused about your hair type, you can always consult a professional dermatologist for the best advice.

Ideal Hair Care Routine for Strong and Shiny Hair

Always remember to be gentle with your hair. (Image via Pexels/Element Digital)
Always remember to be gentle with your hair. (Image via Pexels/Element Digital)

Check out the following seven-step hair care routine that you can follow to keep your locks healthy and happy. Keep in mind that you may need to modify it somewhat to suit your particular hair type.

Check out these simple tips for fast hair growth.

Meanwhile, here's the ideal haircare routine for strong and shiny hair:

1) Hair Oil Treatment

Following a proper hair care routine is essential forwell nourished hair. (Image via Pexels/Tim Mossholder)
Following a proper hair care routine is essential forwell nourished hair. (Image via Pexels/Tim Mossholder)

This is one of the most important steps in any hair care routine - and no, you may not need to avoid this step even when you have oily hair. Applying oil to your hair is the first and one of the most crucial steps in your hair care routine.

Oiling the scalp has the dual benefits of increasing blood flow and moisturising the hair. It's one of the best hair treatments for damaged hair. Whenever your hair is dry and lifeless, applying oil can revive it by restoring its natural shine. Choose from these oils: coconut, olive, and almond.

The proper way to massage the scalp is:

  • Put your preferred oil on low heat.
  • Spread the oil all over your head.
  • For about ten minutes, apply light pressure with the oil.
  • Leave it in for the next hour. You can even keep it overnight, if you have excessively dry hair.

2) Cleanse

Having a clean scalp and hair is crucial if you want to have luscious locks. Unwanted oiliness and a disheveled appearance result from sebum build-up at the hair follicles, which occurs if the scalp is dirty.

The best method for cleaning the scalp is with a high-quality shampoo. It will remove excess oil from your scalp. Hair grows healthier and cleaner when the scalp is free of dead skin cells, which shampoo effectively removes.

Avoid these mistakes when using shampoo:

  • Don't wash your hair too often, as this can remove the protective oils from your hair, leaving it dry and dull.
  • Don't use a shampoo containing sulphate.
  • Don't use your nails to rub shampoo into your scalp; instead, use your fingertips.

3) Condition and Nourish

Well nourished hair looks bouncy and shiny, making it easy to style & maintain. (Image via Pexels/Pixabay)
Well nourished hair looks bouncy and shiny, making it easy to style & maintain. (Image via Pexels/Pixabay)

A shampoo's intended function is to cleanse the scalp and hair, so it stands to reason that some of the hair's natural oils will be removed in the process. To replenish some of the moisture that was stripped from your hair, use a conditioner afterward.

Conditioned hair looks healthier and more vibrant, has less frizz, is easier to manage, and retains more moisture because of the conditioner. You should leave the conditioner in for at least five minutes before washing it out, and you should never put it on your scalp.

4) Moisturize

The fourth step in hair care routine is moisturizing. Yes, you heard that right: you will need to moisturize your hair along with conditioning it. While conditioning can help restore moisture, it's best to use a product that won't wash out to lock in the hydration.

If you add moisture after drying your hair completely of all products, you will have stronger locks, less frizz, and less tangles. That's especially important for those whose hair naturally curls and thus tends to be dry. Try using a hair serum or leave-in conditioner to nourish your hair.

5) Detangle

Keeping your hair tangle free is essential to avoid breakage. (Image via Pexels/Garon Piceli)
Keeping your hair tangle free is essential to avoid breakage. (Image via Pexels/Garon Piceli)

If you've got any knots in your hair while washing it, detangling will help you get rid of them.

Brush your hair when it's completely dry, either after a blow-dry or after letting it air-dry. Distributing the serum or leave-in conditioner you just applied throughout your hair is another benefit of this step.

The correct way to brush hair is:

  • You should always begin by using your finger tips to untangle any particularly large knots or clumps.
  • Brush the bottom half of your hair gently to untangle the strands near the ends, and then brush downward from the roots.

6) Protect

Hair tools such as blow dryers, curling irons, and straighteners subject hair to high temperature regularly.

High temperatures weaken the hair's structure, making it more prone to breakage and split ends. So, it's essential to use a heat protection spray in your hair care routine to avoid this damage to your hair.

7) Styling

The last step in your hair care routine is styling it. In the event that you feel like your hair lacks volume at the crown, you can always use some mousse or a high-quality hairspray to fix the problem.

For some people, developing a hair care routine can take several days or even weeks. Once you've gotten that sorted out, though, you will be well on your way to having the hair you've always wanted.

Read about how to stimulate hair growth naturally.

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