Kidney Problems Stressing You Out? Try These Yoga for Kidney Health

Is there any specific yoga for kidney health? (image by yanalya on freepik)
Is there any specific yoga for kidney health? (image by yanalya on freepik)

Kidneys play a crucial role in our body, such as purifying the blood, maintaining hormones, and regulating homeostasis. To keep the kidney healthy, specific yoga for kidney can be introduced to the daily routine.

There are many kidney-related health issues that are caused by stress, improper nutrition, and an unhealthy lifestyle. Although medical treatments are available for the same, lifestyle options like yoga for kidney health, among others, go a long way in contributing to kidney health. In this article, we will discuss the functions of the kidney, yoga for kidney, and its importance as it is a side-effect-free substitute.

Functions of the Kidney

How does the kidney work? (Image by freepik on freepik)
How does the kidney work? (Image by freepik on freepik)

Kidneys are helpful in many ongoing processes of the body and are considered a vital organ for the body. Some of the functions of the kidney are mentioned below:

1. Kidneys help in purifying the blood by excluding all unnecessary products.

2. They also facilitate the absorption of important nutrients and make sure that these nutrients stay in the body.

3. Kidneys regulate homeostasis in the body by maintaining the levels of acids and bases in the body.

4. It also filters the blood and removes the waste products from the blood that can be harmful to the body.

5. Kidneys secrete some hormones that are crucial for different functions of the body.

Specific Yoga for Kidney Health

Try yoga to improve kindey health (image by yanalya on freepik)
Try yoga to improve kindey health (image by yanalya on freepik)

Below are some yoga for kidney health, as they offer a conventional method to keep your kidneys healthy:

Salamba Bhujangasana


Salamba Bhujangasana is one of the best yoga for the kidney and is also known as the sphinx pose. It directly strengthens the organs of the abdomen by stretching them, contributing to the immunity of the body.

Ardha Matsyendrasana


It is a tough asana to perform, but its results are remarkable. Sitting Half Spinal Twist pose directly impacts the kidney and liver. It also provides immunity to the entire body.



It is also a tough pose to attain but is a very effective asana as it directly impacts the organs of the abdomen. This asana is also known as the cobra pose, and it has the ability to alleviate stress and boast the body's immunity.



Paschimottanasana is a simple asana that has many benefits and is a good yoga for kidney health. This two-legged forward bend pose enhances digestion, impacts kidneys, and relieves extreme menstrual pain.

Setu Bandhasana


It is also known as bridge pose and is an asana that stimulates the organs of the abdomen directly. It also regulates blood pressure and alleviates stress.

Importance of Yoga for Kidney

What are the benefits of yoga for kidney? (Image by yanalya on freepik)
What are the benefits of yoga for kidney? (Image by yanalya on freepik)

The benefits of yoga for kidney health are:

Can be relaxing

Yoga for the kidney can enhance relaxation, providing increased sleep time and reservation of water in the body.

Organ health

Yoga can provide better health to the internal organs and keep all bodily functions in check.

Removal of toxins

Some yoga asanas contribute to cleaning the organs internally and facilitating the removal of toxic and waste products from the body.

Better blood flow

Yoga facilitates the streamlined flow of the blood circulating in the entire body, which ultimately regulates it.

Yoga is not just about attaining poses and keeping the body physically fit. It also means practicing for at least 50 – 60 minutes on a daily basis with a balanced diet. Only then can it be very beneficial and will pave the way to a better lifestyle and overall well-being.

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