Nervous Breakdown: 5 Signs You're Headed for a Meltdown

We all have different breaking points. What are the signs that indicate we are heading towards a nervous breakdown? (Image via Pexels/ Andrea )
We all have different breaking points. What are the signs that indicate we are heading towards a nervous breakdown? (Image via Pexels/ Andrea )

Periods of great mental or emotional stress are referred to as a nervous breakdown, often known as a mental breakdown. The level of stress is so high that the person is unable to carry out regular day-to-day tasks. They appear to have lost their sense of themselves. While their sense of self has been torn apart, they are no longer confident in their values and convictions.

They feel absolutely helpless, alone, and afraid. A breakdown could last for a few hours or it could endure for months or even years. It is often described with the phrase 'hitting rock bottom'.

A breakdown can be a difficult period to deal with our feelings and thoughts. (Image via Pexels/ Liza Summer)
A breakdown can be a difficult period to deal with our feelings and thoughts. (Image via Pexels/ Liza Summer)

What Causes a Nervous Breakdown?

Identifying the causes and symptoms of a nervous breakdown can be very helpful in the treatment process. (Image via Pexels/ Liza Summer)
Identifying the causes and symptoms of a nervous breakdown can be very helpful in the treatment process. (Image via Pexels/ Liza Summer)

Everyone is unique, and no two people go through life in exactly the same way. Nonetheless, certain typical life occurrences have been observed to cause emotional breakdowns. They consist of:

  • Inadequate sleep
  • Sustaining harm that reduces the quality of life
  • Health issues that are severe and/or persistent
  • A terrible event, such as losing a loved one or being involved in or witnessing a serious accident
  • Financial difficulties
  • Significant life changes, including being divorced or moving
  • Constant tension at work
  • Personal life stressors include providing ongoing care for an ill or elderly relative
  • The inability to relax and unwind

A person is more prone to experience a nervous breakdown if they have a personal or family history of anxiety problems. This might be a result of not knowing how to react appropriately to specific situations in life.

Always talk to a trusted friend or a qualified expert about your issues if you're struggling. Other than that, these kinds of mental health issues are typically progressive, which means they won't go away unless they are examined and new coping mechanisms are implemented.

5 Signs You Are Having a Nervous Breakdown

How do you identify if it is a nervous breakdown? (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)
How do you identify if it is a nervous breakdown? (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)

The incapacity to operate normally results from a nervous breakdown, at least briefly. Yet, there are a few indicators that you might be suffering from excessive stress, or that someone you know might be. The following are some symptoms and warning indicators to look out for:

1) Difficulty concentrating

A nervous breakdown can have an impact on both your body and cognition, according to studies. Stress over a long period of time can alter the structure of the brain, which can impair memory and make it harder to focus.

Too much cortisol can, in rare circumstances, even cause memory loss. Signs of a nervous breakdown in a woman may be exaggerated due to the dual burden of work and chores.

2) Living a comfortable life seems unimaginable

Going through and getting done simple chores can seem like an impossible task to begin with. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)
Going through and getting done simple chores can seem like an impossible task to begin with. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)

Even routine daily activities start to feel too much to handle, and social interactions appear overwhelming. Due to an ongoing buildup of concern and tension, this sensation may appear unexpectedly or develop gradually over time.

The majority of nervous breakdowns are stress-related, therefore practices like yoga, meditation, and exercise can all be beneficial.

3) Abusing drugs or alcohol

Abuse of drugs and psychological breakdowns frequently coexist. To overcome your addiction and regain control over your bodily and mental well-being, you will require professional assistance. If you need assistance and you have a drinking problem, visit a doctor. For a life of mental balance and clarity, it's imperative to break these patterns of substance addiction.

4) Hallucinations

While this is not typical, individuals may also experience a break from reality. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)
While this is not typical, individuals may also experience a break from reality. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)

Extreme stress can perhaps even result in hallucinations. You can experience unreal sounds or visions. If you have recently noticed these symptoms, speak with a doctor or get a loved one's recommendation.

5) Extreme tiredness

You may feel quite exhausted if you experience too much stress. You can feel exhausted because you aren't getting enough sleep or perhaps because you are sleeping too much. Chronic fatigue and stress over time might cause a nervous breakdown.

Asking for assistance is the most crucial action you can take. It's time to be open and honest about your mental state because you've tried addressing a nervous breakdown on your own and it hasn't worked.

You can start by speaking to a friend or loved one before contacting your doctor. Exercise at least three times per week, which can be as easy as walking 30 minutes to work rather than taking the bus or cab.

Regular meditation and the use of breathing exercises to help you unwind will help you regain control of your life and allow you to spend most of your time with your buddies and family. Nervous breakdowns have become increasingly common and can cause unwanted distress.

Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a Master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.

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