Practical Ways To Break The Yo-Yo Diet Cycle

Practical Ways To Break The Yo-Yo Diet Cycle (Image via unsplash / siora photography)
Practical Ways To Break The Yo-Yo Diet Cycle (Image via unsplash / siora photography)

So you've decided to lose some weight with a yo-yo diet. You've read all the books, tried out new exercise routines, and even set up a meal plan. But then you hit a plateau—and instead of fighting it off, you give in and have that piece of cake.

Your commitment to your goal is broken, but so is your body: you're back where you started with maybe just a little less muscle mass. This vicious cycle can be stopped if you know what causes it and how to avoid it.

Practical ways to break the yo-yo dieting effect once and for all:

1) Realize that yo-yo dieting is a vicious cycle.

You're not alone if you've experienced this vicious cycle. Yo-yo dieting is a common phenomenon in which someone loses weight, gains it back, then loses it again and so on. This isn't healthy for your body or mind; it can lead to yo-yo dieting syndrome, which includes depression and low self-esteem.

yo-yo dieting is dangerous for your mind and body (image via unsplash / I yunmai)
yo-yo dieting is dangerous for your mind and body (image via unsplash / I yunmai)

We tend to lose motivation when we try to lose weight and regain it when we gain weight. This is a vicious cycle that makes it hard for us to keep our weight at a healthy level; it's best to not focus on losing weight but on keeping it steady and healthy.

2) Make a commitment to yourself.

Committing to a healthy lifestyle is the first step in breaking the yo-yo diet cycle. When you commit to something, you promise to do it and follow through no matter what.

It's like making plans with someone else but only one person shows up, you have to follow through or risk looking bad in front of others.

make commitment to specific goal (image via unsplash / mark duffel)
make commitment to specific goal (image via unsplash / mark duffel)

Making a commitment means setting specific goals for yourself and then taking action towards achieving them even when it's hard or uncomfortable.

3) Eat mindfully.

When you're eating mindfully, focus on the food you are eating and how it tastes. Don't eat in front of the TV or computer, you will be less likely to notice when your stomach starts to feel full, which can prevent overeating.

Don't eat while you are stressed, angry or upset; this will only make it harder for your brain to recognize that signals from your stomach are telling it that it's full.

eat without any distractions (image via unsplash / farhad ibrahimzade)
eat without any distractions (image via unsplash / farhad ibrahimzade)

If possible, wait until after a meal before drinking water so that it doesn't affect how well-fed you feel and how much food is consumed during each sitting.

Lastly, make sure that if there are times when hunger strikes between meals (and there should be), reach for healthy snacks like fruit rather than junk food!

4) Write down your food, exercise and moods in a journal.

One of the best ways to break the yo-yo diet cycle is by keeping a food journal. You can start this habit right now, by simply writing down what you eat and how much exercise you get each day.

maintain a food journal (image via unsplash / cathryn lavery)
maintain a food journal (image via unsplash / cathryn lavery)

Keep it simple at first, but over time try adding additional information such as how much water or coffee/tea/caffeinated beverages (etc.) were consumed alongside meals or snacks. And don't forget to write down how much sleep was had!

This will help establish patterns that may be contributing to weight gain or loss or lack thereof over time.

5) Meet with a registered dietician or nutritionist

If you're looking for more practical help, a registered dietician or nutritionist can help you with meal planning and exercise routines that are tailored to your needs.

consult professional (image via unsplash NCI)
consult professional (image via unsplash NCI)

Most importantly, they'll make sure that you're meeting all of the requirements for healthy eating and staying active regardless of whether those requirements are based on weight loss goals or health goals.

If you're tired of yo-yo dieting and want to make a lasting change, there are lots of practical ways to break the cycle. You can start by being realistic about your goals, eating enough food every day and tracking your progress. If all goes well with these steps, then it's time to start exercising!

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