Remedy for Water in the Ear: What to Do When Experiencing Ear Blockage?

Blocked ear (Image by stockking on Freepik)
Blocked ear can be a nuisance (Image by stockking on Freepik)

A blocked ear can prove to be quite a nuisance, especially when it is blocked due to water. Thus, remedy for water in the ear becomes a necessity, in order to get relief from the irritation and troubles that blocked ears can cause.

You can get blocked ears from a lot of activities, which may include swimming or showering. Basically, exposure to water in the ear canal expose you to the risk of your ears being blocked with water.

Blocked ears are irritating and cause discomfort if they are not dealt with at earlier stages. In fact, with delay in treatment, the situation may get complicated and one may come up with a swimmer's ears condition. Thus, in this article, we will look at the possible remedy for water in the ear and how to prevent it.

Remedy for Water in the Ear

What are the remedy for water in the ear? (Image by katemangostar on Freepik)
What are the remedy for water in the ear? (Image by katemangostar on Freepik)

When water is trapped in your ears, there is difficulty in understanding the sounds in the surroundings as they tend to become incoherent. Furthermore, a tickling sensation is often experienced, which may extend to the jaw or the throat in some cases.

While your ears are fully capable of getting rid of the water or any foreign substance, following its own natural path, this is not always the case. Thus, more often than not, it leads to a condition known as swimmer's ear.

The following is a list of remedies for water in the ear:

1. Jiggling of the earlobe

This is a simple and easy-to-implement technique where you just need to jiggle your ears while your head is tilted sideways. This will help you get rid of the water in your ears, and shaking your head in a sideways motion may also help.

2. Creating a vaccum

Another way to get rid of water in the ear is by tilting your head sideways, making a cup through your hands, and then cupping your ears. Then, pushing and pulling the hand simultaneously will create a vacuum and pull the water outside. Repeating this step two to three times may give more effective results.

3. Relying on the gravity

This method demands patience, but it may be effective if time is not a constraint. All you have to do is lay your head down on a towel, keeping the ear on the towel's side. Now, leave it to gravity to do its work. While it will take some time, there are chances that, by the end of it, your ears will be dried.

4. Using a blow dryer

This is an effective step to take, but proper precautions must be taken for the safety of the ear. The dryer must be set at the lowest setting. and it should be kept far away from the ear. Make sure you are tilting your head when the dryer is blown.

5. Eardrops

Use eardrops meant for the purpose of cleaning your ears, which will soften ear wax and repel water. This will allow you to clean your ears and drain your ears.

Preventions to Avoid the Problem Altogether

Remedy For Water In The Ear (Image by drobotdean on Freepik)
Remedy For Water In The Ear (Image by drobotdean on Freepik)

There are several remedies for water in the ears which are effective, but all this can be avoided easily if some precautions are taken. If you are a swimmer, you should get ear plugs and a swimming cap in order to protect your ears from the water, along with your hair. Further, after taking a shower, make sure you dry your ears well.

Further, when you apply the remedy for water in the ear, you must not use your fingers or cotton swabs. This is because, if excess pressure is applied to the ears, it might damage or endanger your eardrum, which is quite sensitive.

Using the remedy for water in the ear can be effective when water is trapped in your ears. However, one must not use cotton swabs as its effects can be the very opposite. If the remedies do not work, make sure you get medical assistance as soon as possible.

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