Repeating things over and over? Can this be OCD?

The symptoms of OCD can include repeating things but it is not the only one. (Image via Vecteezy/ Uladzimir Liubamirski)
The symptoms of OCD can include repeating things but it is not the only one. (Image via Vecteezy/ Uladzimir Liubamirski)

Repeating things does not mean that you have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and its important for us not to use the word casually. Keeping this in order or a preference for cleanliness does not mean that you have OCD. However, repeating things over and over can be a primary symptom of OCD.

OCD is characterised by obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are intrusive thoughts that don't seem to leave your head, even though you want them to stop. As a way to stop, you engage in compulsions. Repeating things can happen both in the mind and externally. As you can imagine, repetition can be exhausting. Not only does it make you mentally tired, but also physically. The constant chatter in your mind doesn't ever stop and makes you engage in actions repeatedly.

The repetition of obsessions can significantly a person's cognitive well-being. (Image via Vecteezy/ Om Pakde)
The repetition of obsessions can significantly a person's cognitive well-being. (Image via Vecteezy/ Om Pakde)

Is repeating things over and over a symptom of OCD?

There can be various forms of repetition, but cleaning is the primary one. (Image via Pexels/ Pixabay)
There can be various forms of repetition, but cleaning is the primary one. (Image via Pexels/ Pixabay)

Have you noticed a pattern of constantly repeating the same thing? Repetition can take various forms and translate into different types of OCD. While keeping the house clean may seem impressive, for a person with OCD, the outcome may still be unsatisfactory. Even though they repeat things, their obsessions don't stop.

The difference between a person wanting to organize and clean things and a person with OCD is simple: the need for the latter stems from a dysfunctional fear. It is not that they solely want to clean the house; rather, they fear that it will become contaminated. In short, fear drives the symptoms of OCD.

How can OCD impact one's life and can they seek help?

How can OCD impact your life? (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)
How can OCD impact your life? (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)

All mental health issues create obstacles to your functioning. Whether it is holding a job, maintaining relationships, or completing everyday chores, everything becomes difficult. While you may be investing a lot of energy in repeating things, your brain remains unconvinced and asks you to do it again unless you seek treatment for OCD.

Mental health research has become widespread and we are now coming closer to a complete understanding of OCD and other associated anxiety disorders. While practitioners and researchers bridge this gap, you can benefit from the pre-existing treatments to stop repeating things.

The mental, emotional, and social costs of being diagnosed with a mental health issue can be a lot, especially if you are not aware of the next steps. Ideally, the first step is becoming aware of your symptoms and accepting that they exist. A lot of us engage in denial about our symptoms because giving them a label feels too much.

After accepting the reality, you can move towards meeting with a mental health professional. They will help you ease your anxiety with the help of therapy and may also prescribe you medications.

The grip of repeating things can be very strong, to the point that it is the only thing that you do in a day. We are very used to using words and phrases such as 'I am obsessed with this trend', 'I am such a compulsive shopper, or 'Are you obsessed with cleaning?'

When we use such phrases casually, we prevent ourselves from fully understanding a mental health issue. Repeating things may not be a disorder in itself, but it can definitely be a symptom of one.

Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a Master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.

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