6 Best Lunge Exercises You Can Do in Your Living Room

Effective lunge exercises that you can do at home. (Image via Pexels/ Mart Productions)
Effective lunge exercises you can do at home (Image via Pexels/Mart Productions)

There are several variations of lunge exercises that can amp up your leg workout. They're multi-jointed functional exercises that can help you reach your fitness goal quickly.

Some benefits provided by these exercises are strengthened quadriceps, stronger calves and butt, improved functional movement, and more.

Best Lunge Exercises You Can Do in Your Living Room

We have curated a list of six best lunge exercises you can do in the comfort of your living room.

1) Walking Lunge

It can help enhance your functional fitness.

How to do a walking lunge:

  • Begin in an upright standing position while maintaining good posture.
  • The core muscles should be engaged, while your back should be completely elongated.
  • Take a wide step to the front, with your knees in alignment with your feet.
  • Make sure the hamstring and quadriceps are engaged throughout the movement.
  • Push back to the standing position before bringing your rear knee to the front. Repeat.

2) Jump Lunge

Jump lunges (Image via Pexels/Gustavo Fring)
Jump lunges (Image via Pexels/Gustavo Fring)

It can help improve explosive movement and lower body strength.

How to do a jump lunge:

  • Begin in an upright standing position with your feet apart at shoulder distance, core muscles engaged, and shoulders pulled back.
  • Take a big step with your one leg to the back while the front foot remains pressed to the ground.
  • Lunge your body to the ground before jumping upwards to swap the position of your legs.
  • Repeat.

3) Curtsy Lunge

It can help tone the inner thighs.

How to do a curtsy lunge:

  • Start in an elongated standing position with your feet slightly wider than hip distance.
  • Take one step back with the right leg, and cross it behind your left.
  • While maintaining an upright posture, bend both knees so that the left thigh is almost parallel to the ground.
  • Bring your body back to the standing position to swap sides, and repeat.

4) Forward Lunge

Forward lunges (Image via Pexels/Maximo Goncharenok)
Forward lunges (Image via Pexels/Maximo Goncharenok)

It's a popular lunge exercises that can improve core stability and body balance.

How to do a forward lunge:

  • Begin in an elongated standing position with your core muscles engaged and back straight.
  • Place your palms on the hips for greater balance.
  • Take a big step to your front with one foot before bending one knee so that the rear knee hovers above the ground while the front knee is angled at 90 degrees and thigh is parallel to the ground.
  • Push back to the starting position, and repeat. Do the same on the opposite side.

5) Reverse Lunge

Reverse lunge (Image via Pexels/Monsterasara)
Reverse lunge (Image via Pexels/Monsterasara)

It's another efficient lunge exercises that can help in burning a decent amount of calories.

How to do a reverse lunge:

  • Start in a straight standing position with your feet hip-distance apart.
  • Make sure your core muscles are engaged, and back is straight. You can position your palms on your hips for greater balance.
  • Take a wide step to your back with your left foot before bending your knee so that the left thigh is parallel to the ground.
  • However, do not touch your knee to the ground. Reverse the movement to the starting position, and repeat.

6) Kettlebell Lateral Lunge

This is another decent lunge exercise that can enhance overall fitness while facilitating toning and increasing strength.

How to do a kettlebell lateral lunge:

  • Start in an elongated standing position with your legs apart at hip distance.
  • Hold either a dumbbell or kettlebell in both palms, and position the weigh in front of your chest, keeping the elbows angled to the ground in a pointed manner.
  • Take a big step to your right side, with the right leg before bending your knee and driving the hips to the back.
  • Lower your body till the knee is angled at 90 degrees. Push your body back to the starting position, and repeat on the other side.
  • You can also perform the exercise without weight, so do not worry if you do not have a kettlebell.

Bottom Line

The aforementioned lunge exercises are among the best and effective ones that can be done from the comfort of your living room. However, it's important that you should follow the proper technique to perform the lunge exercises to reap maximum benefits and to avoid getting injured.

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