5 Best Hips and Butt Exercises for Women

Tone your hips and butt! Image via Pexels/Cottonbro
Tone your hips and butt! Image via Pexels/Cottonbro

The hips and butt are often a problem area for women. While the lower body is easier to tone than the upper body for women, these areas may require some harder work.

The hips and butt comprise of several muscles put together to give shape to the area. Training them would require heavy, compound movements. Compound exercises are those that train multiple muscle groups at once.

It's easy to tone your hips and butt with these exercises

Here are the best compound exercises women can do for their hips and butt. These exercises can be performed in sets of three to four, for about eight to 12 reps each. Don’t be afraid to scale up on the weights!

Barbell squats

• Load the barbell up on your traps, grabbing it wider than your shoulders. Lift it off the rack and step back, placing your feet in line with your hips and toes pointed forward.

• Squat down to the floor, driving your hips back and knees forward, until your thighs are below parallel to the floor.

• Bring your hips back up to the starting position, squeezing your glutes as you stand up.


Reverse lunges

• Stand straight with your feet together. Take a step back with your right leg and drive your right knee to the floor, driving your left knee forward.

• Stand back up to the starting position by lifting yourself with your left leg.

• Bring your right leg back next to the left leg and repeat it on the left.


Hip abductions

• Adjust your left ankle to the ankle strap on the cable machine, with the pulley all the way down on your right.

• Raise your leg up as far as you can take it, keeping your knee locked.

• Bring your leg down slowly back to its starting position beside your right leg.


Hip thrusters

• Adjust your shoulder blades onto a bench and bend your legs up in front of you.

• Push your hips up towards the ceiling, bringing them in line with your shoulders and feet and squeezing your glutes on top.

• Bring your hips back down to the floor before starting your next rep.


Bulgarian split squats

• Stand in front of a bench. Bend your right leg and place your foot on the edge of the bench, keeping your left leg straight and knees in line with each other.

• Drop towards the floor by driving your right knee down and left knee forward.

• Bring yourself back up to the starting position while squeezing your glutes


Add these exercises to your lower body routine and keep at them for about two to three times a week. They’re sure to set your hips and butt on fire and get them in great shape! Remember not to overdo it and give your body adequate rest for optimal muscle building!

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