Tips for Jet Lag: 7 Tried and Tested Methods used for getting over Jet Lag

Jet lag is a common symptom during international travels (Image via Unsplash/ Matt Artz)
Jet lag is a common symptom during international travels (Image via Unsplash/ Matt Artz)

In today's time, tips for jet lag have been more necessary than ever due to the high rise in international travel. Globalization and rapid connectivity with all its benefits have a few drawbacks and jet lag is one of them.

Jet lag happens when you travel quickly across different time zones and the body loses its natural circadian rhythm, our body's internal clock which monitors when we sleep and wake up. Jet lag can happen due to numerous reasons, such as exposure to daylight, changing temperatures, and hormones, and generally goes off when the body adjusts to new time zones.

But in some cases, it may last long, especially when the person quickly changes multiple locations with different time zones, mainly when someone travels from east to west.

If this situation lasts long, it will result in the disruption of our personal work schedule, which is why it is a must to deal with it. There are several tips for jet lag; ways in which it can be controlled and where our body's clock can be put back to normal quickly.

Here we provide you 7 tips for jet lag so that you don't have to suffer that drowsiness and fatigue the next time you fly outside your country.

Tips for Jet Lag: Here are 7 Tried and Tested Methods you can use for getting over Jet Lag

1. Take a Sunbath

Get exposed to the sun (Image via Unsplash/Marie-Michèle Bouchard)
Get exposed to the sun (Image via Unsplash/Marie-Michèle Bouchard)

Our body's internal clock is directly related to the exposure to sunlight around us. Staying on flights for long durations across varied time zones can often tire and confuse our bodies to act accordingly.

Getting exposed to sunlight may help to reduce melatonin levels in our body which make us sleepy. Light can also be used to stay up late at night to avoid falling asleep when you have extra work to do.

2. Sweet Old Caffeine

Caffeinated beverages can be a good option (Image via Unsplash/Nathan Dumlao)
Caffeinated beverages can be a good option (Image via Unsplash/Nathan Dumlao)

Coffee has been the most common drink to avoid sleepiness for centuries. Though consuming it won't directly cure your jet lag, it can help you stay more alert during the first few days until your body gets used to the new time zone.

It can also help you stay awake during times you want to avoid sleeping to adjust your body clock in a new time zone. However, caffeinated beverages mostly contain high sugar, and that is why depending upon them for a long period can turn harmful.

3. Staying Hydrated

One of the most important tips for jet lag is to drink enough water (Image via Unsplash/ Bluewater Sweden)
One of the most important tips for jet lag is to drink enough water (Image via Unsplash/ Bluewater Sweden)

One of the most essential tips for jet lag is the consumption of water. While traveling for long distances, our daily water consumption is often ignored, and this can cause dehydration. Consuming enough water can save you from occasional lapses of fatigue and tiredness and may help you get over the symptoms of jet lag.

Carrying a water bottle along with you during flights is one smart way to keep your water intake needs in check.

4. Get Enough Sleep

Keep sleep as your priority (Image via Unsplash/ bruce mars)
Keep sleep as your priority (Image via Unsplash/ bruce mars)

Sleep becomes the most important thing when you are changing places. Travel often leaves you tired and avoiding proper rest can worsen the consequences. Make sure you get enough sleep, especially while you are traveling at night to not break that rhythm.

If the environment is too bright or noisy, try using noise-cancellation headphones to avoid external sounds and an eye mask to prevent extra light.

5. Try Adapting Quickly to Your New Time Zone

Shift your schedule according to the new time zone (Image via Unsplash/Kenny Eliason)
Shift your schedule according to the new time zone (Image via Unsplash/Kenny Eliason)

When you arrive in a new time zone, try adapting to the changes as quickly as possible. One of the essential tips for jet lag is to forget the old routine; the faster you will get used to the new one. Set your clock to the new time zone, as the clock dictates a lot of our psychological activities. Don't eat your meals at the same time as you did before, but rather change your food habits according to the new environment.

6. Melatonin Supplement

Taking medications can help too (Image via Unsplash/Supliful - Supplements On Demand)
Taking medications can help too (Image via Unsplash/Supliful - Supplements On Demand)

Our body naturally makes melatonin which helps us to sleep, and jet lag reduces its release. During sleepless nights, a melatonin supplement can be a good option for getting deep sleep and waking up at the right time.

This is one of the medicinal tips for jet lag and should be used only in extreme cases. It is generally prescribed to not take more than 5mg of melatonin at once. However, you should always consult a physician before adding this supplement.

7. Professional Treatment

Get professional help if the symptoms persist (Image via Unsplash/National Cancer Institute)
Get professional help if the symptoms persist (Image via Unsplash/National Cancer Institute)

Jet lag is not permanent and most of these tips for jet lag will work just fine. However, if the symptoms of jet lag including zoning out, mood swings, irritation, constipation, diarrhea, etc persist for more than a week or two, it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible to avoid any further complications.

Jet lag reaches its extreme cases when we travel several time zones in a very short period. For each time zone that you cross, it takes you a day to adjust. Hence, it is always important to take precautions before your journey, by changing your habits according to the new schedule beforehand, so that you can adjust quickly when you reach the place.

Jet lag is a very common condition that goes away in a week. Hence, the one experiencing it shouldn't panic too much. We hope these tips for jet lag will be helpful on your next journey and you can thrive on your travels to new destinations.

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