What are bedsores and how can they be prevented?

What are bedsores and how can you prevent them ? (Image by Lifestylememory on Freepik)
What are bedsores and how can you prevent them ? (Image by Lifestylememory on Freepik)

Do you know what bedsores are and how they are caused? Bedsores are pressure injuries that occur because of prolonged pressure on the skin. The epidermis and the tissues are damaged as a result, because of which the blood supply to the skin is interrupted.

This makes the skin break down and the affected part becomes very delicate. So if you are affected by bedsores and want to move or just get up from bed, and your skin rubs against something, it can cause an open injury (because of friction).

While most pressure ulcers heal when treated on time, some may never heal fully. Let us know more about this topic and learn about what bedsores are and how you can avoid them.

What are bedsores?


If a person is bedridden or cannot move because of an injury or a medical condition and is unable to sense pain, they often don't switch positions. Lying down for a long time on the same side can cause decubitus ulcers also known as pressure sores, which happen because of the prolonged pressure applied on the skin and dampness because of precipitation.

What causes bedsores?

What are bedsores? Pressure injuries caused by prolonged pressure while lying down on the bed or sitting in a wheelchair (Image by Harry Cao/Unsplash)
What are bedsores? Pressure injuries caused by prolonged pressure while lying down on the bed or sitting in a wheelchair (Image by Harry Cao/Unsplash)

Now that you know what bedsores are, let us see how they are caused. The primary reason these pressure injuries occur is no blood supply to the skin for 3-4 hours, the skin cells die as a result and the skin turns purple. Lying down or sitting in a wheelchair for a long time or wearing a surgical appliance for quite some time can also be a reason.

People who have diabetes or are malnourished have more chances of getting this condition and it takes time to heal, even with proper treatment. Some may even need cosmetic surgery to get rid of it completely.

Those who cannot move at all because of old age, or being overweight can get these sores easily. Old age makes the skin thin and more prone to damage. On the other hand, a malnourished person can get bed sores because of less cushioning around their bones.

The symptoms

1. If you see that your skin has started discolouring and become dark, it can mean that you will get sore in a few days.

2. An open wound with fluid or pus in it is because of a pressure ulcer.

What are the most affected areas?

If you spend a lot of time sitting in a wheelchair ~ the tailbone, shoulder blades, back of your arms, legs, and buttocks can get sores.

Bedridden persons mostly get sores on their heels, shoulders, back, ankles, elbows, and tailbone.

How do you prevent or treat bed sores?

What are bedsores? Take help if you cannot move on your own (Image by Freepik)
What are bedsores? Take help if you cannot move on your own (Image by Freepik)

In the early stages, wash the area with soap and water or use saline water and apply a lubricant to avoid friction. You can also do minimal dressing by covering it up with a gauze.

Keep changing positions and in case you cannot move, ask for assistance. Use an air mattress and advanced-padded cushions to minimize the pressure.

Now that you know what are bedsores, use better cushioning and an air mattress (Image by jcomp on Freepik)
Now that you know what are bedsores, use better cushioning and an air mattress (Image by jcomp on Freepik)

Other than these, a proper diet so the skin can heal faster. Always keep yourself clean and try and be active, even when you’re in bed by doing simple exercises and stretches to keep the blood flowing.

If your bedsores are deep, you will need antibiotics or surgery (to remove dead tissue) in some cases. Your doctor can also prescribe anti-inflammatory or pain medications, to help you deal with the pain and infection. Always treat bedsores at an early stage to avoid future infection and complications.

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