What is grape seed extract? Understanding its health benefits

Grape seed extract is obtained from seeds of grapes. (Image via Unspalsh/ Lucas George Wendt)
Grape seed extract is obtained from seeds of grapes. (Image via Unspalsh/ Lucas George Wendt)

Grape seed extract is a dietary supplement made from grape seeds, specifically those of red wine grapes. It is well-known for having a high concentration of bioactive substances, such as flavonoids, oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs), and polyphenols. These substances are potent antioxidants with potential health advantages.

The use of grapes as medicine dates back many centuries, to the time of ancient Greece. Its leaves, vines, and fruit were all used to heal ailments ranging from sore throats to cholera to eye infections to nausea. These treatments were prepared from almost all parts of the grape, including the seeds. Traditionally, this "medicine" was served in the form of wine.

Read more to learn about the health benefits of grapeseed extract.

Benefits of grape seed extract

Grapeseed extract has many benefits. (Image via Unsplash/ Bill Williams)
Grapeseed extract has many benefits. (Image via Unsplash/ Bill Williams)

There are several different kinds of grapeseed extract on the market, such as liquid extracts, tablets, and capsules. Because of its possible health-promoting qualities, it is frequently sold as a dietary supplement. Among the many applications and advantages of grapeseed extract are:

Antioxidants: The antioxidants in grapeseed extract have the potential to counteract free radicals and shield cells from harm.

Cardiovascular health: It is believed that grapeseed extract helps maintain heart health by enhancing circulation, lowering oxidative stress, and encouraging healthy blood vessels.

Reduces swelling: Grapeseed extract contains proanthocyanidins, a class of flavonoids that occurs naturally in plants. This grape seed oil ingredient helps lessen the amount of leg edema you could often get from prolonged sitting.

Skin benefits: Topical use of grape seed extracts (found in face creams) may also offer benefits. When grape seed extract cream is used twice daily on the cheeks, suppleness and moisture sebum are improved and melanin is considerably reduced in comparison to a placebo.

Cholesterol control: Grapeseed extract and the mineral chromium together have the potential to reduce low levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad cholesterol. You run the risk of heart disease and stroke if your cholesterol is high. However, further research is required to confirm this potential cholesterol-lowering benefit.

Is grapeseed extract the same as grapeseed oil?

Grapeseed extract comes in the form of tablet also. (Image via Unsplash/ Mika Baumeister)
Grapeseed extract comes in the form of tablet also. (Image via Unsplash/ Mika Baumeister)

Although grape seeds are the source of both grapeseed extract and grapeseed oil, they are two discrete products with unique functions and compositions.

Because of its concentrated bioactive components and possible health advantages, grapeseed extract is frequently taken as a supplement. On the other hand, because it contains beneficial fats and vitamin E, grapeseed oil is mostly utilized in cooking and occasionally in skincare.

Given that each product has a unique application and nutritional profile, it is imperative that you understand the particular product you are taking and its intended purpose.

Grape seed extract should not be used by those who are allergic to grapes. See your doctor before using grape seed extract if you have high blood pressure or a bleeding issue. Grape seed extract is not advised for use in children, pregnant women, or nursing mothers due to the lack of safety data.

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