What Is the Popular Seal Jacks Workout and How Can You Do It at Home?

What is seal jack? (Photo by Alexander Redl on Unsplash)
What is seal jack? (Photo by Alexander Redl on Unsplash)

Seal jacks is a home workout exercise that has many health advantages. The name of this exercise is derived from the movement of seals, and the routine includes jumping, clapping, and outward motion of legs and hands. In order to make the workout sound fun, it has been named seal jacks. It’s a very simple exercise that can be done at any time, in any place you find suitable, in only a few minutes.

Investing in just 20 to 30 reps of seal jacks daily will give you several health benefits. However, in order to proceed with seal jacks, you have to go through certain guidelines that will help you get all the benefits of the workout.

How to Do Seal Jacks Properly?

How to do this? (Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash)
How to do this? (Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash)

First of all, the good thing is, there is no requirement for equipment for this exercise. For this, all you have to do is stand straight, keep your chest and back up and tight, and put your arms at your sides, so that both hands are opposite to each other. The next step is to keep your arms wide apart.

Now, start jumping in the air, and during this time, move the legs out and bring the arms in front of the body and clap your hands together. Next, come back to your original position.

Repeat this seal jacks exercise for 30 reps. You can also change the reps based on your capabilities. While performing this exercise, make sure you maintain consistency in order to get good results.

The Benefits of Seal Jacks Exercise

Understanding the benefits (Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash)
Understanding the benefits (Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash)

Targeted Muscles

This seal jacks exercise has several great benefits, one of them being that it mainly targets certain muscles and shoulders. The muscles that are particularly targeted in Seal jacks are the calves, quadriceps, and hamstrings muscles.

These muscles are the major muscles of the legs and thighs. When you do seal jacks, these muscles contract and relax, so the muscles are exercized well and may help in increasing the muscle mass of this area.

Make your legs bulky

If you do this exercise daily for a few days, you will notice a drastic change in your legs. Externally, your leg muscles will appear to be more bulky if consistency is maintained. Internally, you will get great advantages, since your leg muscles now get strengthened, so you will be able to do more work now.

Weight loss

As discussed above, maintaining consistency can help you burn significant calories, which in turn, aids your weight loss journey. Thus, this form of exercizing could be a good addition to your workout routine.

Stronger hips

The hip portion of your body will be strengthened due to this exercise. Basically, the aim of seal jacks is to focus mainly on the lower body. Performing this daily will help you get through the day easily and help you sit through office hours.

Your heart feels healthy

Since seal jacks is a cardiovascular exercise, one of its main targets is improving heart health. After doing the seal jacks exercise for only two minutes, you will begin to sweat. The heart muscles are then strengthened, pumping more blood to the body. So, in the future, it might help you in reducing the chances of having any heart-related issues.

Increase blood flow

Doing seal jacks for several minutes creates a good blood flow in the body. Your brain gets more blood, which means it gets enough oxygen. Not only the brain, but the overall organs of your body get proper oxygen supply. Thus, your body will not be fatigued easily and do their function well for a long period of time.

Seal jacks is an exercise that has a great health impact on our body. The easy thing about seal jacks is you just have to do this for several minutes daily, and you'll see significant results.

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