What is a narcissistic trait? Ways to identify

What is a narcissistic trait? Are there any ways to identify? (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)
There are many ways to identify a narcissistic trait. (Image via Freepik/Freepik)

What is a narcissistic trait? Is it when someone displays grandiosity, or is it when someone is unusually derogratory of others. These are only some of the questions that may reflect what is a narcissistic trait. To say a narcissist has inflated self-esteem would be oversimplistic.

The trait might range from an overly wholesome ego to pathological grandiosity. At its root, though, narcissism is a cover for a pervasive sensation of guilt that you might not even be aware of. Most people who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder are men.

It's a recognized and official mental health illness. It's frequently misconstrued in today's society and tends to be used fairly loosely. Nevertheless, it's crucial that people are aware of what's a narcissistic trait and how it can influence well-being.

What is a narcissistic trait? How to recognize it?

It may not surprising for you to find out what's a narcissistic trait. (Image via Freepik/Freepik)
It may not surprising for you to find out what's a narcissistic trait. (Image via Freepik/Freepik)

To answer what's a narcissistic trait, it's important to understand that narcissism is different from narcissistic personality disorder. Not everyone who displays traits of narcissism has NPD.

Additionally, those who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder may exhibit any of the following narcissistic features, all of which impair the ability to form healthy relationships and function normally in daily life.

Narcissists frequently display the following signs:

1) Unsolicited advice

When thinking about what is a narcissistic trait, unsolicited advice is the key. (Image via Freepik/Freepik)
When thinking about what is a narcissistic trait, unsolicited advice is the key. (Image via Freepik/Freepik)

You may make an effort to be helpful by offering advice on top restaurants or parenting strategies for navigating the terrible twos. You may also take advantage of the opportunity to showcase your outstanding intelligence. Narcissists are always a little more in the know. They appear to know everything first-hand.

What is a malignant narcissist? According to common belief, malignant narcissism is a severe form of narcissistic personality disorder. Assaulting others is said to make these people feel good about themselves, and they may use deception or manipulation to achieve the money, fame, and other things they want.

2) You hate waiting

Also, if someone doesn't return your voicemail immediately, you can become irritated. Whether among friends or family, you may feel on some level that you're entitled to preferential treatment.

Whatever a narcissist's needs may be, they must be satisfied right away. Because they feel they're so significant, they demand automatic compliance. Whether you realize it or not, you have a sense of entitlement and believe that the world should revolve around you.

3) Competition is life

An image like this may describe a narcissistic trait. (Image via Freepik/Freepik)
An image like this may describe a narcissistic trait. (Image via Freepik/Freepik)

The world of narcissists compromises between winners and losers. Also, the narcissist must triumph in almost every situation, including the tennis court, workplace, and neighborhood garden.

They must present themselves as being better than someone else. The opponent could be a total stranger or a close friend. It's challenging to recognize other people's accomplishments when you're on an unrelenting mission to establish your superiority.

4) Ego is king

Narcissists typically believe that they're better than other people. Their sense of identity depends on standing out from the crowd. They take deliberate action to ensure that they maintain their position as leaders. These people frequently seek to excel in their fields and surpass the standard of competence.

They frequently have very successful careers as professionals. This inclination is also seen in their interpersonal interactions. They must always be right, have the final say, and be in charge. Moreover, narcissists have the ability to turn their demand for supremacy into a bad thing. Their predicament drastically exacerbates if they struggle or feel emotionally hurt.

5) Lack of compassion

When thinking about what's a narcissistic trait, a lack of compassion would probably be a forerunner.

The ability to understand things from another person's perspective is empathy. Lack of this skill is a crucial aspect of narcissism. Narcissists only perceive the world through their own lens. The most important things for them are their comfort and feelings.

These people frequently believe that only they're capable of feeling or perceiving things in a certain way. They don't consider the possibility that there might be other viewpoints. This feature makes them frequently devoid of regret or guilt.

What causes narcissism?

After identifying what's a narcissistic trait, it's important to focus on its causes. (Image via Freepik/Freepik)
After identifying what's a narcissistic trait, it's important to focus on its causes. (Image via Freepik/Freepik)

After identifying what's a narcissistic trait, is there something else we should recognize?

When an individual with narcissism steps into therapy, it's essential to identify the potential causes of their behavior and emotions. The following environmental factors may support the emergence of narcissistic personality disorder:

  • Having narcissistic parents or other caregivers
  • Receiving a lot of criticism or disregard from parents or other caretakers
  • Growing up in a highly competitive or overly protective household
  • Having few close relationships or friends outside the family

The following psychological elements may have a role in the emergence of narcissistic personality disorder:

  • Being insecure or having poor self-esteem
  • Sense of not being good enough or of never measuring up to others
  • Having an exaggerated feeling of one's own importance
  • Having a continual need for others' attention and praise
  • Sense of entitlement to special consideration or benefits

Finally, if you discover that you (or someone you know) have encountered more than a couple of those characteristics, speak with a mental health professional to go over potential solutions. It can also be helpful to identify with a mental health professional what the four types of narcissism are.

Narcissism is a personality disease that's treatable. Cognitive behavioral therapy or medication to treat the disorder's potential mood symptoms are possible forms of treatment. Apart from the aforementioned narcissistic traits, there can be other accompanying ones too.

Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a Master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.

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